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Caregiver: Shuichi Saihara
Little: Kokichi Ouma
hey! this was requested by CringyCorey :D i hope you like it!! it's actually my birthday today so— yay!! <3 i do want to say that there's some swearing in this oneshot due to miu— just in case that'd bother anyone! please remember to drink some water and do things you love!! :)

"What is he doing?"

"I'm not sure, but I know it ain't fuckin' good!"

Those were the only remarks that Kokichi could hear as he sat in the dining hall, doing his best to mind his own business and color a picture.

He knows he probably shouldn't have regressed in public— but he couldn't help it! His crayons were so pretty, and the paper was so blank, he felt like he was obligated to fill it with silly drawings and doodles!

Clearly, however, that had proved to be a problem for some of his classmates. According to them, if he was quiet and not bothering someone, he was 'planning something' or 'up to no good'. Yet if he talked and joked with his classmates, he was 'annoying' and 'irritating'. He felt as if he simply couldn't win!

Nonetheless, Kokichi was going to do his best to ignore them. He was just coloring. He wasn't bothering anyone. Surely they'd divert their attention to something else before long.

"I wonder what he's drawing..." Maki muttered, while Miu scoffed.

"Probably some evil robot to kill us all! That fucker's up to no good. I can feel it in my tits."

Maki rolled her eyes.

"You're exagerrating," She said, "But you have a point. He can't be coloring for fun."

Kokichi winced, trying his best to block them out and failing miserably as he gripped his crayon tighter.

Was it really so dangerous for an evil Supreme Leader like him to color a picture? It was harmless! Why were they talking about him?

"I don't like this, Harukawa-san," Miu groaned, "He's planning something. There's no way he'd be chillin' here to chill."

"I agree," Maki narrowed her eyes, and Kokichi could feel her hard stare on him without even looking up, "He's all alone, too. I bet he's—"

Kokichi grit his teeth, and before he could stop himself, he stood up, interrupting Maki.

"Shut up!" He choked out, and when he realized his voice was shaking, he attempted to steady it, "J-Jus'— shut up! 'M jus' colorin'!"

And at the unrelenting glare of Maki and the offended look in Miu's eyes, he felt his throat tighten and his eyes water with tears, and as soon as that happened, he snatched his drawing and booked it. He ran out of the dining hall, tears streaming down his face as he ran.

He reached the end of a hallway before long, and found himself sinking down against the cold floor, little sobs racking his body as he buried his face in his hands.

He just wanted to color! He just wanted to color a little picture, but he couldn't do that without being deemed as 'evil' or 'up to something'.

Kokichi didn't want to be bad. He didn't! He didn't mean to make them mad, he didn't mean to blow up on them, he just wanted to color.

He clutched tightly onto his drawing, sniffling and holding it away from him so he wouldn't get any teardrops on it.

He shouldn't have gotten small in the first place— not in front of the others, anyway. He soon burst out into fresh tears as he realized it was all his fault, this was all his fa—


Kokichi froze, not bothering to look up as he squeezed his eyes shut, burying his face into his hands. By the hesitant yet masculine voice, he could tell it was none other than Shuichi Saihara.

They didn't have a bad relationship, persay. Kokichi did silly stuff and Shuichi would scold him, but he never truly seemed mad at him. He was one of the only people that didn't seem to hate him.

Even then, he didn't want him here. He didn't want anyone to watch him cry, see him small, because look where that got him last time!

So that's what led him to force out the words, "Go 'way!", in hopes that he'd be left alone and that would be that.

Instead, he heard footsteps clatter closer to him, and when he looked up, Shuichi had knelt down in front of him, a confused yet worried expression on his face.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Leave me alone..." Kokichi whimpered, though his l's really sounded more like w's.

Because really, as much as he wanted to believe Shuichi would listen to him, he knew that Shuichi was Maki's friend, not his. If he told him what happened, he'd take her side for sure.

Shuichi's gaze softened.

"I'd, um, hate to leave you here when you're like this," He said apologetically, "I can walk you back to the dormitories, if you'd like. Or... if you want to talk about it, I'll listen."

Kokichi awkwardly sniffled.

...He was being nice to him, right? Maybe he wouldn't get mad at him.

"Was in the dinin' hall," Kokichi said softly, "A-And was colorin' a picture."

He gestured to the picture beside him as if to prove his point.

"Yeah?" Shuichi nodded, smiling when he looked at it, "It's really nice."

"'Ank you," He mumbled, "J-Jus' was colorin', then 'Ruma-san an' Harukawa-san were bein' mean. Said I was bad, doin' evil things a-and—"

Really, he had intended to keep it together, at least while he explained it to Shuichi. But he found that his words only made him burst into more tears. He buried his face in his hands once more, sobs racking his body.

"Oh, Ouma-kun..." Shuichi murmured, and when Kokichi peeked through his fingers, he noticed him slowly place a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry that happened. You're not bad and you're certainly not evil for coloring a picture."

Kokichi sniffled, and Shuichi thought for a moment.

"They're probably just jealous of your artistic skills," He said, cracking a grin which caused Kokichi to giggle.

"D-Duh," Kokichi smiled through his tears.

Shuichi stayed there for a moment, gently rubbing circles into Kokichi's shoulder and waiting for him to calm down. At some point, he even reached out to brush the tears off of Kokichi's cheeks (which only seemed to make him regress further).

"Are you alright, now?" Shuichi asked.

"Uh huh," Kokichi said.

"In that case," He glanced to the other side of the hallway, then back at Kokichi, "Where do you want to go now? I'll take you back to your dorm, or we could go for a walk outside."

When Kokichi seemed indifferent to either of those, Shuichi hummed.

"Or... we could go to the MonoMono Machine?"

His eyes lit up, and Shuichi chuckled.

"Can we, can we?" He gasped.

"Of course," Shuichi said, offering his hand and helping him stand up, "Come on, Ouma-kun. Let's go!"

Kokichi gladly obliged.

He still wasn't happy that the whole situation in the dining hall happened. But Shuichi definitely made him feel a lot better about it. He was glad he helped him.

He hopes the detective knows just how much it meant to him!

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