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Caregivers: Kaito Momota and Maki Harukawa
Little: Kokichi Ouma
hello!! this was requested by pixlpup :) i hope you enjoy this!! i feel like kaito kokichi and maki have such an interesting dynamic with each other so i'm excited to write for them c: i hope this was written okay!! remember to drink some water today <3

"Kiddo..." Kaito sighed as Kokichi ran around his dorm, a toy truck in his hand and a stuffed animal squeezed tightly in the other, "You know it's late. You have to go to sleep."

"Uh uh!" Kokichi whined, "'M still tryna play! Not sleepy!"

Kaito knew that was a lie. He saw the way the would yawn, or how his eyelids would momentarily waver shut. The real reason was likely something else.

Tonight, Kaito was going to go train with Maki and Shuichi. He'd been missing a lot of their training sessions, and he wanted to get back to them. He enjoyed spending time with them.

But conveniently, Kokichi had shown up to his dorm about an hour before he had planned to meet up with them. He thought that maybe he could play with him and get him to sleep in that amount of time, but he was obviously wrong.

Kokichi was very adamant about not sleeping. And it was probably in an effort to make Kaito stay longer.

"Honey..." Kaito said to him in a soft voice, "I'll be back before you know it. Okay? And I'll read you a story and everything before I leave. I've got angel milk already prepared."

Kokichi chewed on his lower lip, clearly thinking about what he said before shaking his his head once more.

"Uh uh," He complained, "Don' wanna go to sleep. 'M not goin' to sleep."

"Kichi, please?" Kaito grabbed the bottle of angel milk that was on the table, "Look. We can read a story and have this, okay?"


Kaito furrowed his eyebrows.

"Hey, don't raise your v—"

"Not goin' to sleep!"

"What on earth is going on here?"

The new voice caused both of them to freeze, and Kaito winced as he began to recognize who had spoken.

When he glanced around to see dark hair and red attire, he was certain that it was none other than Maki Harukawa.

Initially, he was shocked. Why— how— did she get into his dorm?

However, he realized the answer to that very quickly.

When Kokichi showed up to his dorm, he probably forgot to lock the door back again. That resulted in Maki walking in on him holding a bottle, Kokichi holding children's toys and having a slight tantrum, as well as the toys and colored drawings that had been scattered across the floor.

So, in short, they were nothing less than screwed.

"Um..." Kokichi mumbled, his tone now an obvious dichotomy from what it was previously. His voice had never been more hesitant nor soft. He probably would have liked to provide an explanation or simply lie about what was happening to her, but he had slipped way too far for that to be an option right now.

It would be up to Kaito to provide one.

"Um... Hey, Maki-Roll," Kaito offered her a painfully forced smile as he set the bottle down on a nearby table, "Would you mind stepping outside? I'll be out to train in a second."

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