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Caregiver: Kaede Akamatsu
Little: Kokichi Ouma
hello!! this oneshot was requested by JAMgirl183 :) i hope you like it!! i'm sorry if it's not the best or if it's fairly short— my ideas were sort of running short with this prompt but i hope it's good nonetheless!! remember to eat something and drink some water today,, do something you love! love ya all, take care <3

"If you were tired, you should have just said so," Kaede hummed as she sat at her piano, her fingers resting in position as she kept her gaze on Kokichi, who was sitting in front of her.

"Not that sleepy," Kokichi mumbled, but he was clearly fighting off the inevitable as he rested his head on a nearby desk, his words slurring as he kept his favorite stuffed animal close by his side.

It was safe to say that he hadn't slept all that well the past couple of days. In fact, he was quite exhausted, due to that very fact.

Of course Kaede had to pry into everything, though. If someone needed helping, she would help them, no doubt about it.

But Kokichi couldn't find it in him to be irritated about it right now. In fact... he was a bit grateful, in all honesty. He liked seeing her actively care for him, through actions and words.

"Hmm..." Kaede paused for a moment, seeming to be lost in thought before she perked back up once more, "I have an idea!"

Kokichi had a small smile form on his face as he closed his tired eyes. Maybe... just for a little...


"What if..." Kaede grinned, "I played you the piano? A lullaby, to be exact... I think it would really help! A good melody always helps me calm down and relax."

Kokichi... was not opposed to that idea. If she played him the piano... Maybe he would sleep with some more ease.

"'Kay," He murmured, "If you wanna."

Kaede chuckled at his words, before giving him a quick thumbs up to signal she understood.

"You got it, sweetheart!"

And, not too soon after that, Kokichi heard Kaede flipping through her book of music, seemingly scanning over it and deciding which song she should play.

He just hoped it was a calmer one. He was not in the mood to listen to some intense piano song.

But he was sure Kaede knew that already.

He heard her set the book back down in front of her, and with that, he relaxed, letting himself calm down to the tune of the music that had begun to be played.

The song was soft, it was careful and each note that was played seemed to be laced with delicacy. It was a slow tempo, and Kaede's eyes mirrored focus as she let her fingers run across the keys, playing the notes perfectly.

The sound echoed throughout the room, and... it truly did sound like a lullably. In fact, it was almost lulling Kokichi to sleep...

It wasn't long before Kaede noticed Kokichi's soft and even breathing, and with that, she gave a warm smile, finishing off the song with a gentle press of the last keys and putting her hands back in her lap.

He looked... peaceful. His eyes were shut and his body was entirely untensed— the only wounds throughout the room his quiet exhales of breath.

Kaede sighed, standing up from her seat and carefully prying him from the desk, picking him up and being sure not to wake him. It was easy to carry him— considering how light he was.

She carried him all the way back to his room, setting him down on his bed and flicking the lights off with care.

Kaede made sure his stuffed animal was tucked safely in his arms, and that he was tucked cozily into bed, before turning and taking her leave.

She knows things are not always easy— and things always seem just that much harder when you're running off of a lack of sleep.

But she was happy that she was able to help Kokichi. She wouldn't trade her trust with him for the world.

If she could be there for him, if she could make things even the least bit easier for him, then day by day, she would.

You can definitely count on that!

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