💵☕️Coffee and Sugar🥋💕

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Caregiver: Sakura Ogami
Little: Byakuya Togami
hello!! this one was requested by saladoffandoms :) thanks for leaving it! their dynamic is quite intriguing and this was interesting to write for... i hope you enjoy it— have a wonderful day! take care everyone <3

Byakuya seemed off that morning, in the dining hall.

Typically, Sakura would not have noticed anything of the such. She was usually busy listening to the others or talking to Hina— she wasn't too focused on the actions of others at the table.

Today, however, she had found herself sat down beside Byakuya, the fresh scent of their breakfast wavering through the air. And it was all too obvious that something was up.

Byakuya, when he did speak, had a quieter and less assertive voice, and his words slurred, even in the slightest. Each time he took a sip of his coffee, he recoiled a little, as if he was showing his distaste for it.

She also noticed the way that he had tugged on his sleeves, constantly adjusting the collar of his shirt as if he was rather uncomfortable.

Sakura was concerned, and that was putting it lightly. Byakuya was firm and cold, he hardly ever backed down in a conversation and always made sure his posture was straight and refined.

Yet here he was, slouched over and his discomfort visible.

As Sakura glanced over once more, she noticed him take yet another drink of the coffee, and he coughed, his lips pressed close together.

She decided to say something.

"Is it bitter?" She asked, trying to keep her voice warm as if to uplift him even in the slightest, "You should add some sugar to it. It might taste better."

Byakuya furrowed his eyebrows, setting the cup down and shaking his head.

" 'S fine, thank you," He scowled back, though his voice truly didn't hold the same intimidating aura it normally did.

Sakura hummed, taking a nearby packet of sugar and offering it to him.

"C'mon," She told him, "You should try it. If you don't like it, at least you can say you've tried it."

Byakuya held her gaze for a moment, looking unsure for a brief moment before he took it from her, opening it and slowly pouring it in the cup of coffee.

Once he'd done so, he hesitantly brought it to his lips, taking a sip once more and blinking.

Sakura chuckled.

"Is it good?"

Byakuya only huffed, placing it back down and giving her a small nod.

"I... I like it. Thanks," He mumbled, keeping his gaze on the floor as he fidgeted with his sleeve once more.

"Anytime," She nodded.

"Just was bitter," He muttered, his voice almost reaching a whine at the end, "Didn' like it."

Sakura blinked at the way his tone almost reached a complaint of some sort. Was everything okay? He seemed really off...

"Are you feeling alright?" Sakura asked him, "You've just seemed... different, this morning."

Byakuya stayed silent, his bottom lip quivering for a moment as Sakura offered him a smile, patience in her demeanor as she pressed on.

"You can talk to me," She told him, "I'd like to help, if you want it."

Sakura wouldn't force herself onto him or pressure him to tell her what was the matter. She simply was not that kind of person.

But— if she could help him at all, if she could assure him to trust any of the others, she absolutely would, no questions asked.

Byakuya seemed to melt under her gaze as he only turned to stare at the floor. It would have been so easy to lie to her, to tell her that he was fine and not to press, and she would comply. She would leave him alone and he would not be forced to show any form of vulnerability.

...But her voice was so soft, her phrases were so carefully said and she really did speak with sincerity, like she truly wanted to help him, and he couldn't help but have his typical demeanor crumble.

"'M— 'M jus' uncomfy," He exhaled, his words shaking as he spoke them quietly, as if someone would overhear if he didn't, "And 'm tired, and don' wanna do this anymore."

Sakura nodded with understanding, a sudden realization pouring over her as everything seemed to click. The slurring of the words, the awkward fidgeting... Ah... it would make sense for him to be an age regressor.

"That's definitely understandable," She told him, and decided to shoot her shot, "Can you tell me how old you're feeling?"

Byakuya looked almost taken aback for a moment, before slumping his shoulders and frustration forming in his eyes.


Sakura softened.

"That's okay. Do you want to go somewhere else for now? I imagine this can't be the most ideal place for you right now."

Byakuya was quick to nod, and with that, the two stood up together, exiting the dining hall. They were hardly noticed by the others, either— seeing as everyone was chattering fairly loudly.

Once the both of them were in the hallways, away from the loudness of the room, Sakura glanced over to Byakuya.

"Is there anywhere in particular you want to go?"

"Library," He answered almost immediately.

Sakura gave a chuckle, nodding as if to show she had obliged.

"Okay, we can go there."

It wasn't long before they reached the library, and once they had gotten settled down in there, Sakura turned back to Byakuya.

"Is there something you're here for?" She questioned, "Or... if you'd like, I can read you something."

Byakuya's face flushed at the second suggestion, before huffing and crossing his arms.

"Pick somethin' I'd like."

So, Sakura scanned through the chapter books. The picture books most likely wouldn't entertain Byakuya, so she tried finding a chapter book one that would suit him well.

...Ah— The Magic Tree House? It was fantasy, but... perhaps he would enjoy a bit of a switch up, something that tells a story he's not expecting.

She brought it back, and at the small approving smile of the other, she sat down once more, beginning to read.

She spoke each word with precision, excitement lingering in through her tone as she displayed all the right emotions for the right parts of the stories. She smiled at the happier parts, and over-exagerrated the anticipating parts, all to amuse the one who was sitting beside her.

It wasn't long before Sakura noticed Byakuya leaned back on the chair, his eyes shut as he breathed evenly.

She started to smile.

He probably needed this. It couldn't have been easy to force back his regression— especially in a killing game.

But it would be okay.

Because as she lifted him up and began to carry him back to his dorm, she knew that she would be here to look after him, to actively care for him when things were difficult.

She can't blame him for his lack of trust towards the others.

But maybe if he had someone to rely on, things would be easier, day by day.

She was willing to be there.

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