📁🔍Mystery Solved!💜🏁

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Caregiver: Kokichi Ouma
Little: Shuichi Saihara
hello! this was requested by NobodyButWillow :D i hope you guys like it! they are the sillies and i love writing agere for saiouma <3 take care everyone and be sure to drink some water and eat something today!! thank you so much for reading c:

Shuichi wasn't sure how he got to be like this.

He didn't know why he one day made his way to the MonoMono machine, a childish amusement settling deep into his chest as prizes would pop out.

He wasn't sure why he would flip through the children's books in the library, his curiosity getting the better of him.

He also could not explain why during meals in the dining hall, he had picked up some strange eating habits, like picking the crusts off his sandwiches or making smiley faces when the food would permit it (with sauces, shaping his rice, etc.)

And for the life of him, he likely couldn't tell you why he's heading outside, clutching a stuffed animal (that he had named— its name was Lucky) he found close to his chest.

He could excuse it by saying he needed some fresh air all he wanted. But the reality was...

He thought the stars were pretty. And he thought the courtyard would be really fun to run in, or play tag or something! And he thought the flowers in the garden were pretty, he liked seeing the colors and picking them and he also thought Lucky would find it pretty and—

...That was it! That's exactly what he's been doing!

Shuichi had searched endlessly as to why he was exhibiting such odd behaviors. Why was he being so childish? So... playful?

He sat down in the grass, fidgeting with his stuffed animal and looking up at the sky. The stars looked so pretty... and they glittered so brightly.

He wanted to visit the garden, next! And... and... maybe after that, he'd—

"Oh, Saihara-chaaan! What are you doing out here so late?"

Shuichi audibly gasped, clutching the stuffed animal tighter to his chest as if that would hide it. He turned ever so slightly to see Kokichi right behind him.

"Nothing," Shuichi stammered, feeling as if he had been caught red handed (for what, he didn't know), "Just, um... lookin' at the stars."

Kokichi raised an eyebrow, obviously suspicious. He began to make his way closer, like he was going to sit down beside him before pausing.

"Aww!" He grinned, pointing to the stuffed animal, "Is that your stuffie? I never knew you liked that sort of stuff, Saihara-chan!"

Shuichi's cheeks burned with shame. For some strange reason, he felt the shame turn into sad, and the sad turn into tears pricking at his eyes.

And— there it was again! Crying because Kokichi was making fun of his stuffed animal? He'd usually never get so torn up over Kokichi's opinion about anything. He lied and teased everyone so much that anything he said, Shuichi took with a grain of salt.

He was confused, he was embarrassed, but most importantly he was ashamed.

"I don't like it," Shuichi snapped, though he tenderly set his stuffed animal to the side.

Kokichi blinked, and Shuichi felt his vision blur with tears, even though they hadn't quite spilt over yet. Kokichi could probably tell.

"Hey, I wasn't making fun of you," Kokichi gently nudged him, "I'll have you know I have lots back at home! Crazy, right? The Ultimate Supreme Leader, a stuffed animal fanatic? More likely than you think!"

Shuichi sniffled.

"Really?" He asked.

"Duh," Kokichi said, "So... Don't cry!"

"Wasn't gonna," Shuichi said, wiping his eyes with his sleeve, "I'm... sorry I was so easily bothered. 'M... a bit out of sorts lately."

"Yeah? You wanna tell me about it?"

A twinge of uncertainly pricked at Shuichi. Confiding in Kokichi? Especially about how he was acting like a child? It was something he would have never dreamed of doing!

Nonetheless, he couldn't help but feel like he could trust him. Maybe it was the child-like innocence that had plagued him for days, but he was going to trust him. Just this once.

"Well... recently, I've felt a bit strange," Shuichi admitted, "I've been more... childish? I've messed around with the toys in the MonoMono machine a lot. And I... I just..."

Shuichi took a deep breath in, struggling to place how he felt.

"Things are fuzzy? Things feel... small? I don't know. I'm a detective, I should know, but I feel like I've read everything in the book and I can't find anything on what this is. I think I'm just going crazy."

His frustration at his inability to figure it out seeped through, he supposed, because Kokichi's words were soft when he responded.

"Well, Saihara-chan, have you ever read about age regression?"

Shuichi tilted his head, furrowing his eyebrows. He hadn't ever heard of that before...

"No," He shook his head, "What's that?"

"It's a coping mechanism. It's where someone will regress to a younger age, usually for comfort reasons, or giving yourself a childhood you never got to have. It's usually a stress-reliever, and those who do regress have an interest in child-like activities, they may slur their words, and they're pretty much in the mindset of a younger age.

"I could be wrong," Kokichi said, "But that seems a lot like what you're doing, Saihara-chan."

As Kokichi explained, Shuichi felt like his dull world of confusion exploded into color, realization and sudden understanding hitting him like a truck.

Was he an age regressor? Was it possible to do it subconsciously?

That's exactly what it sounded like he'd been doing.

"No, I think you're right," Shuichi said, "That's what it's been, Ouma-kun. I can't believe I've never heard of that."

"Glad I could be of assistance," Kokichi laughed, "Now, get your stuffed animal off that dirty floor! How do you think it feels?"

Shuichi frowned as he remembered setting his stuffed animal off to the side. He picked it up, holding it close in his grasp once more.

"It's getting late," Shuichi said, slowly standing up, "I think I'll head back to my dormitory. Ouma-kun. Thank you for helping me."

"Anytime, detective!" He cheered, "I'll always be your knight in shining armor!"

Shuichi giggled, soon turning and beginning to leave until he heard Kokichi speak once more.

"Wait, Saihara-chan!"

When Shuichi turned back around, Kokichi appeared to be the nervous one this time, fidgeting with his hands as an awkward expression rested on his face.

"When someone regresses, they usually have, like, a caregiver," He sputtered, "Someone to look after them? Is that maybe something you'd want?"

Shuichi thought it over. He smiled.

"If you want to, I'd like that."

"Okay!" Kokichi said, the excitement in his voice unable to be hidden, "Glad we talked! Goodnight!"

"Goodnight, Ouma-kun."

As Shuichi walked back towards the dorms, he sighed, a content feeling in his heart now that he finally knew what was up with him.

He'd have to do some more research on this. That was for certain.

But maybe with Kokichi around, things would be easier. Even if just a little.

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