🍊☁️Dysphoria's no fun!🍀💚

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Pairing: Hajime and Nagito (Komahina)
hey! thanks for the request _NagitoKinnie_ :D i had fun writing it!
Tw: Dysphoria

Hajime knew he shouldn't be all that bothered. I mean, it was just some transphobic eight year old on the internet, right? Why should he care? That kid probably can't even do multiplication yet, let alone have a say in his gender.

...But still, it hurt. The slurs that were sent to him, and the downright insults left an aching fill his stomach, twisting and making him feel bad, icky, even.

He hated the fact that he was a girl. Maybe not really, but physically he was, and that hurt. It left a wound in him deeper than he could even form into words.

And now, he felt tears brim his eyes, and as much as he didn't want them to, they spilt over, falling down his face as he took in a shaky breath, still grasping onto any possible attempt that there was to compose himself, just compose himself, because he was fine, he was, he really and truly was oka—

You'll never be a boy. You'll always be a girl.

Hajime clasped a hand against his mouth to muffle the sobs, and he felt the world around him go fuzzy. He couldn't think— he didn't even want to think.

He reached out on the other end of his bed, snatching his stuffed bunny and holding it close to his chest as he cried. He just wanted to sit here with his stuffed animal until he had worn himself out from sobbing.

Hajime didn't know how long he sat there on his bed, the salty, warm tears soaking his bunny stuffie as he held her close to him. His hands went up to lace through his hair, and he wanted to tug it out, he wished he could, when he suddenly heard the door click open.

"Hey, Hajim— Hajime?"

Hajime snapped his head up, and he felt tears stream down his flushed cheeks as he stood up, immediately latching onto the familiar face in the doorway. The smooth, and cold feeling of Nagito's jacket calmed him down, even if only a little as he buried his face into Nagito's chest.

"Ko!" Hajime cried out, his figure shaking as he stayed close to Nagito, because he didn't know what else he could do. He felt so scared and vulnerable— and it was now that it hit him.

He didn't want to be alone. That was the last thing he wanted! He just wanted Nagito to be here, he wanted Nagito to hold him close and gently promise that everything would be okay, because only then would it truly be okay to Hajime.

The longer he stayed here in the hot and stuffy room, crying and wearing himself out as he clung onto his stuffie was the longer he was upset, the more miserable he'd get. So, now that Nagito was here, he wanted nothing more than to stay close to him.

Nagito blinked at the nickname, resulting him in believing that Hajime was regressed. The stuffed animal, frantic cries and slurring of his words should have been enough for him to figure it out, but the nickname was a practical confirmation.

"Hey there, buddy," Nagito cooed gently, reaching out to wrap his arms around Hajime, whose cries weren't lessening, "You're okay. I'm right here, see? You're gonna be okay. Don't you worry."

The soft, soothing voice of Nagito left Hajime to sniffle, however his hold on Nagito didn't loosen as he began to calm down.

Nagito only murmured out delicate praises and reassurances to Hajime, rubbing circles into his back and occasionally lacing his fingers through his hair in an attempt to calm him down. He didn't know what had caused this, but the regression was clearly involuntary.

Hajime only involuntarily regressed when he was upset or not feeling good about something, and, well, based on what was happening right now, Nagito could make a guess that something had happened to make Hajime upset.

Once Hajime's cries were reduced to pitiful whines, Nagito reached out to tilt his tear-streaked face up, sympathy in his eyes as he brushed away the dried stains of tears.

"Honey... can you tell me what's happened?" Nagito asked him, his voice still completely and utterly soft.

Hajime looked like he was about to burst into tears once more, but luckily, he only sniffled, his eyes watering as he held tightly onto Nagito.

"S-Someone was tellin' me 'm not a boy," Hajime forced himself to speak, regardless of the fact that his small voice wavered, "A-And they right, Ko! 'M not! Never can be!"

Nagito sighed, brushing a loose strand of hair out of Hajime's face.

"Aww... babyboy, is that what this is about?" He questioned, "They weren't right. You're still just as valid as any other boy, hmm? I'm sorry someone made you feel like you had to be a girl. You're not, and you don't have to be if that makes you uncomfy. You deserve to be comfy in your body, love."

Hajime's bottom lip quivered, however he only offered a small smile, loosening his previous hold that he had on Nagito.


"Really," Nagito nodded, ruffling his hair and earning a happy giggle from Hajime, who looked as if he had been cheered up.

"Now— cmon, prince," Nagito smiled at him, being sure to include more masculine pet names, seeing as they always made Hajime a bit more comfortable whenever he was dysphoric, "You look worn out. How about I go get you some juice, and you can lay down with your stuffie while you wait?"

Hajime nodded, glancing over at the bunny stuffie he had left on the bed. He gently scooped her up, nuzzling her close to him as he grinned.

"'Kay, Ko."

Nagito watched Hajime get into bed before turning and heading to the kitchen.

He wasn't exactly sure as to how old Hajime was, but he figured that he should at least get him a sippy cup, just to be on the safe side.

Nagito pulled out the orange juice, unscrewing the lid and pouring some into the sippy cup. Once it was filled at a reasonable amount, he put the orange juice back into the fridge, turning the lid on the cup and sighing.

He felt bad that Hajime had to go through all of that alone. It made his heart twist and ache when he thought about Hajime alone with those thoughts— but the important thing was that Nagito was here now, and he was going to do his best to make sure that Hajime was okay.

Nagito returned back to the room, noticing Hajime cuddled up with his stuffie and his eyes fluttering shut.

"Hey, bud," Nagito murmured, "I got your orange juice."

Hajime glanced up, a content hum leaving him as he reached out to bring his lips to the sippy cup, beginning to drink the juice.

Nagito chuckled, holding Hajime close to his side as he allowed him to drink the orange juice, seemingly thoroughly enjoying it as he had his stuffie firmly in his arms.

Once Hajime had finished it, Nagito pried it away from him, setting it down on the table and reaching out to hold Hajime close.

Hajime didn't protest, happily sliding closer and leaning his head into Nagito's chest, feeling safe and protected in Nagito's arms.

Nagito sighed, his gaze resting on the little that he loved so dearly.

He hated that Hajime had to feel dysphoric— it pained him to know that his hope was hurting.

However, he couldn't do much to stop it. Hajime couldn't control his more dysphoric days. They were far out of his control.

Therefore, all Nagito could do was make him feel safe and loved.

And Nagito was more than happy to fulfill that.

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