🎹💕MonoMono Machine!🎀🔧

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Caregiver: Miu Iruma
Little: Kaede Akamatsu
hey! this was requested by JAMgirl183 :D i hope you enjoy it! this is honestly real footage of me playing danganronpa v3 and struggling to find all of the rooms HJSKSJK but yeah!! i also want to say that this oneshot does include swearing due to miu, but that's mostly it! thank you for reading and have a lovely day <3

Now, it was quite apparent that Miu Iruma was not one to be concerned with her other classmates. Her golden brain was too full of amazing ideas— Why should she waste any of her brainpower on these losers?

However, she soon came to question that line of thinking when she found herself watching Kaede wander the same hallway for the third time that day. She was constantly glancing around, seeming like she was looking for something.

Kaede almost looked... lost, in a sense.

But that wouldn't make sense! Why would she be lost? That stupid bear had given them more than enough time to explore the building— If she was looking to be somewhere, she should have already found it!

She was annoyed when Kaede sighed, turning around and about to leave the hallway she was in. She had interrupted Miu's flow of genius ideas, and now she was just leaving like that?!

Absolutely not! Miu was confrontational, whether Kaede liked it or not, and she was going to get to the bottom of this.

"Hey, titless!" Miu called out, pursing her lips together and placing a hand on her hip, "Come back here right now!"

Kaede stopped in her tracks, a startled expression washing over her as she turned to face Miu once more.

"Huh?" She blinked, "You need somethin'?"

Miu scoffed.

"I need you to stop bothering me with all this shitty hallway wandering! If you scare the genius outta me, you're gonna have a whole fuckin' world to apologize to!" Miu told her with a look of irritation, "What are you even doing? Looking for the city of Atlantis?"

Kaede winced, drawing back at Miu's harsh tone, only further confusing her. Kaede was optimistic, and certainly one to stand her ground. So... why was she acting all helpless?

"'M sorry," She mumbled, "Got lost. Couldn' find the room I was wantin' to go to."

She fidgeted with her hands as she spoke, and Miu only furrowed her eyebrows. Why was she speaking in such a soft, almost child-like tone?

Well, if she wasn't going to get anywhere with scolding her...

"What room are you looking for?" Miu began, hoping to soften her words.

"The... The school store," Kaede said, "Had toys in the MonoMono machine. Wanna play with 'em."

Her voice reached a whine at the end, and Miu blinked. Toys...? Why would Kaede want toys...?


Everything soon seemed to click for Miu as she thought about it. Kaede's sensitive demeanor, the slurring of her words, and now wanting to engage in child-like activities?

...Was she an age regressor?

"Ah," Miu stammered in response, but she wasn't too sure of how to react. Yes, she had done her fair amount of research on this topic, and yes, she absolutely had friends who regressed, but she had never been given the responsibility to take care of one.

Even so, she knew that she couldn't just leave Kaede in the halls like this.

"Alright," Miu was quick to pull herself together, "You want to go to the school store? Okay. I can lead you there, no problem!"

Kaede suddenly had a smile form on her face as she giggled, clapping her hands together with excitement.

"Yay! 'Ank you, 'Ruma!"

Miu felt herself grin. The nickname was not unwelcomed.

"Okay, kiddo, the store's right over here. Come follow me!"

Miu soon felt a warmth clasp onto her hand, and she glanced down, surprise evident on her face as she realized Kaede had held onto her hand.

Kaede was still looking intently at her with that bright smile on her face, awaiting to be lead to the school store.

...Miu squeezed Kaede's hand back, and started making her way down the hallway, taking her to the room in which she hoped to go to.

When they finally reached the school store, Kaede broke away from Miu's grasp, running up to the MonoMono machine and taking out some monocoins that she had put in her skirt pocket.

Miu walked over next to her, watching as she slipped a coin into the slot and waited in anticipation for her prize.

Soon, a small item came out of the machine, which Kaede was quick to take.

"What is it?" Miu raised an eyebrow, and Kaede held out a brown teddy bear. It was small, seeing as it came from a machine, however... it appeared to be soft and fluffy to the touch, as well as soothing to hold.

"Woah! That thing's adorable," Miu said with a grin, purposefully allowing her voice to become over-enthusiastic.

She thought some of the stuff in this machine was rather cool. So, she was going to stay here with Kaede.

...She doesn't think she'd be opposed to looking after her, either.

"'Ruma, look!"

Miu was snapped out of her thoughts as Kaede once more held up a small prize to her. This time, it was a picture book full of animals. Oddly, despite the variety of animals on the cover, there were no bears.

Maybe that was for the better.

"That looks fun!" Miu told her, hesitating for a moment before proposing an offer to her, "Maybe I could read that to you sometime."

At Kaede's cheer, Miu shared a laugh with her.

Yeah. She was definitely fond of kids.

The two stayed like that for a while, Kaede holding a toy or prize close to her chest while Miu commented on it. Kaede even let Miu stick a few of her coins in the slot!

But, soon, there were a lot of prizes scattered onto the nearby table, and Miu blinked, realizing they would have to carry all of these.

"Oh, hey, Kaede?" She started, "Maybe we should stop for now. You've gotten a lot of stuff, and we should probably focus on carrying all of that back to your room now."

Kaede pouted, though she sensed reason in what Miu was saying as she began to nod.

"'Kay..." She mumbled, turning and beginning to pick up some of her toys.

At Kaede's disappointed expression, Miu chewed on her lower lip, putting a few of the prizes in the leather straps on her shirt.

"Hey," She said, and Kaede looked up, "Maybe we can do this again sometime."

Kaede smiled.

"Would like it if we could," She responded cheerfully, and Miu smiled back at her.

Once everything had been gathered up, they both exited the school store, heading back to Kaede's dormitory.

It wasn't long before they both got there, Kaede opening the door and setting everything inside, Miu soon following.

They arranged everything on the table nice and neatly, so that her room wasn't just a clutter of toys.

When they had finished, Miu glanced over at Kaede.

"Hey, thanks for letting me play with ya," She grinned at her, standing up and turning to leave, "I had a good time."

"Wait!" Kaede scrambled up, causing Miu to turn around, "...You wan' stay and play with me a little longer?

Miu blinked, before a smile began to form on her face.

...She kind of liked looking after Kaede.

"You got it, kiddo! Let's see if we can rearrange that puzzle over there."

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