🖤🌱Storms and Board Games💚🌍

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Pairing: Korekiyo and Rantaro
thanks for leaving the request Korekiyokinnie_ ! i hope you like it :)
Korekiyo flinched at another loud crack of thunder as he moved the board game piece in the proper place it should be. He knew that agreeing to hang out with Rantaro when there was a chance of thunderstorms wasn't the smartest idea, but he wanted to see him.

Now, he was beginning to regret his decision, flinching at the rain pattering hard on the window.

"Hey, Kiyo?" Rantaro tilted his head, "You doing okay?"

Korekiyo felt his face flush a warmer color as he took a deep breath, nodding and urging Rantaro to move his board game piece.

"Ah... Yes. I'm fine. Thank you."

Rantaro nodded, believing him and proceeding on with the game, seemingly unbothered by the harsh and loud rain.

Almost on cue, another crack of thunder struck, and Korekiyo noticed lightning radiate outside the window. He blinked, shivering and trying to ignore it, block it all out.

The storm absolutely terrified him, but there was no way he could regress in front of his boyfriend. Despite age regression being a normal coping mechanism, and also natural among humans, Rantaro would certainly judge him for it.

Another strike of thunder, lightning following soon after.

The Ancient Mesopotamians lived by the Euphrates River.

Rain pattered on the window, scaring him, though he tried to not think about it, forcing himself to focus on random facts he'd picked up on instead.

55-79% of the population has brown eyes.

The thunder was so loud, it was so dark outside— what if lightning struck him?

Christianity is the first most popular religion and Islam is second.

Korekiyo was trembling.

No. No. Don't think about it.

The average human being should—

Korekiyo winced at a particularly loud crack of thunder, and with that, he felt tears prick at his eyes as he trembled.

"Kiyo? Kiyo— darling, are you sure you're okay?"

"U-Uh huh," Korekiyo nodded slowly, but his previously watering eyes were now tears falling down his face, and he was only slipping progressively further. He couldn't try to compose himself any longer— he was scared.

Before he could even process the fact he was regressed, he felt sobs rack his shaking figure, and he wanted nothing more than to he held and told it was alright. He was terrified, and the loud crack of thunder caused him to cry even harder.

Rantaro had completely forgotten about the board game at that point, blinking and reaching out to hold onto one of Korekiyo's hands.

"Hey... Kiyo? What's wrong? Talk to me, love."

The voice of Rantaro was so gentle and calming, but Korekiyo wasn't in an old enough mindset to reply to him. He only whimpered, squeezing onto Rantaro's hand and sniffling.

Rantaro sighed, pushing the board game aside and sliding over to Korekiyo, reaching his arms out and pulling his boyfriend close to him.

"Shhh... it's okay, honey," He murmured to him, maybe even lightly cradling him, "I'm right here. I'll be right here if you need me, yeah?"

Rantaro had done this all too many times with his eleven sisters. One of them would come home crying or upset, and he would help them calm down and reassure them everything was okay.

So, it was safe to say that Rantaro had aced the skill of comfort.

Korekiyo leaned onto Rantaro, however, he didn't exactly feel the need to cry anymore, not when Rantaro was murmuring warm and gentle phrases in his ear and rocking him closely. Korekiyo felt... safe, for maybe the first time in a while.

Rantaro, once he was sure Korekiyo was completely calmed down, softly lifted him up, his arms still wrapped around him nonetheless.

"Kiyo, baby? Could you tell me what's gotten you so upset?"

Korekiyo only pouted, shakily holding up his hand and pointing to the window.

Rantaro glanced over, realization settling in as he nodded.

"Hmm... okay. I can play you some music, if you'd like. Maybe that would cancel out the thunder?"

Upon a bright strike of lightning clattering outside, Korekiyo quickly nodded, still firmly holding onto Rantaro.

Rantaro gave him a small smile, before lightly prying him up and putting an arm under his back and under his thighs, supporting his weight as he carried him to his room.

Rantaro settled Korekiyo down on his bed, grabbing some headphones that were on the nearby table. He scrolled through some music, before deciding that a gentle, quiet playlist would probably suit him the best for the moment.

Rantaro then placed the headphones on Korekiyo's ears, brushing a loose strand of hair out of the other's face and turning to go pick up the board game.

Korekiyo sighed, the soothing music calming him down, and cancelling out the loud noises of the outside.

He knew that Rantaro definitely deserved an explanation when he was big again. He might not have done anything directly hinting to the fact he was regressed, but he still acted off, and he figured that even if Rantaro didn't ask, he deserved some sort of reasoning.

But for now, Korekiyo wasn't big. He was regressed rather young, and he was finally comfortable. Finally able to relax without tensing or anticipating another strike of thunder.

And so, with that? He fluttered his eyes shut, awaiting the morning light pouring in through the window when he awoke.

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