🎹💕💜🏁Pianos and Disagreements 🔪❤️ 🧹☁️

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Caregivers: Maki Harukawa and Kirumi Tojo
Littles: Kaede Akamatsu and Kokichi Ouma
hi!! this is another request by JAMgirl183 :) i hope you like it!! i tried to have the primary caregivers students who would do well with children, so,, i hope that's fine!! have a wonderful day you all <3 remember to drink water and take some time to do what you enjoy!!

Kokichi and Kaede got along rather well— that was to put it lightly. Kaede never got tired of Kokichi's silly shenanigans, and Kokichi was supportive of Kaede and her interests, despite picking light-hearted fun at her sometimes. They hung out quite frequently, and became pretty close over the time period!

...Also, both of them were regressors, but the others didn't need to know that part.

It was currently breakfast time— and everyone was scattered in the dining hall, Kokichi and Kaede sitting directly next to each other.

You could tell they were regressed, by the way they playfully swung their legs under the table and the way their words were slurred. But that was only if you knew what to look for. Aside from that... This truly didn't look any different from usual. Kokichi looked childish, and Kaede looked optimistic, as always.

Kaede and Kokichi were currently coloring their own respective pictures, crayons and markers scattered across the table as they sat in their own little corner as to not bother the others.

Besides, the others wouldn't find out simply due to this... Kokichi was always doing something silly, and they wouldn't be surprised to see Kaede going along with it, surely.

Kaede was currently drawing something that mimicked a piano, with a sunshine in the corner pouring over the display, while Kokichi was scribbling colors together, forming something that could be described as a park.

Kokichi was never all that careful and precise with his movements. So, to say the least— he had gotten finished with his picture quicker than Kaede, simply because she spent more time on hers than he would.

Kokichi hummed, setting his crayons aside and glancing over to Kaede's drawing. It was fairly pretty, but it all looked... Perfect. Too perfect.

Don't get him wrong! Kaede was super talented— but he thought some flaws, or mismatched colors could liven things up a little. Surely she wouldn't mind...

Kokichi snatched a red marker, clicking it open and keeping his gaze on Kaede's drawing.

"You should add some brighter colors!" Kokichi told her, "The piano tiles are plain white. That's boring! What if I just..."

Before Kaede had all that much time to comprehend what Kokichi was suggesting, he reached over and started filling in one of the piano tiles red, ruining the delicacy and care that Kaede had previously put into her drawing.

Kaede blinked, before gasping, her heart sinking as she was quite quick to shoo his hand away, giving his wrist a light smack as she shoved his hand off of her drawing.

"Kokichi!" She started, frustration in her voice, "Why'd you do that? It looks horrible now— you've ruined it!"

Kokichi blinked at the lack of the friendly hint that used to lace her voice. Oh. She really was mad at him?

"Don' be mad at me," He was quick to say, "C'mon! I made it lively— Still looks good, right?"

He was trying to lighten up the mood, to calm Kaede down before she truly got furious, really started lashing out at him.

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