🖤🎾Not your fault🌲🕷

375 12 14

Little: Ryoma Hoshi
Caregiver: Gonta Gokuhara
hello everyone!! this was requested by abefor7264 :D i haven't written for these two all that much, so i hope you like it!! ryoma has a very sad backstory, so hopefully i'm able to write it fine ^^" have a wonderful day, and remember to be drinking water!! <3


Gonta blinked as he noticed Ryoma standing in the doorway of his dormitory, a stuffed animal clutched close to his chest as he anxiously shifted. He looked up at Gonta, before slowly speaking as if to recollect his thoughts.

"Stay with you?" He nearly whispered.

Surprise registered in Gonta's mind before he quickly got himself together, nodding and opening the door further as if to invite him in.

"Of course, Ryoma! Come in," Gonta stepped aside, allowing Ryoma to come inside of his room. He led him over to his bed, where they both sat down.

A moment of silence passed over them— Ryoma fiddling with the ear of his stuffed animal while Gonta did his best to assess the situation. Eventually, he opted to speak.

"Is Ryoma okay?" Gonta asked him gently.

Ryoma winced, visibly enough so that Gonta was quick to apologize.

"Gonta's sorry! Gonta doesn't mean to overstep..." He breathed out, but he didn't have an opportunity to say much more. Ryoma had moved closer to him, wrapping his arms around him and leaning into his chest.

"'S okay..." He mumbled, "Jus' small. 'N thinkin' about my family."

Gonta frowned. He knew that Ryoma would sometimes regress to cope with his past. Truthfully, he didn't know too much about it, but he knew enough to know that it was kind of bad...

He needed to approach this situation like a gentleman. He was going to make Ryoma feel better— no matter what!

"Oh no... Gonta's sorry," Gonta said sympathetically, wrapping his own arms around Ryoma and pulling him closer, "Does Ryoma want to talk about it?"

Ryoma let out a quiet sniffle, and it was then that Gonta realized he was crying.

"I-I jus'— feel icky," He whimpered, "Shoulda been able to p-protect them. I was s-so alone, a-and I miss 'em."

Gonta rubbed circles into Ryoma's back as he spoke, hushing him as his words only caused more sobs to rack his body.

He remembers being told faintly about Ryoma's past. There was a mafia who killed his family. In return, Ryoma sought to avenge them, killing every single one of the mafia members. But it didn't really make much of an impact, at least for Ryoma. He still felt alone— he still was alone.

Now, all Gonta could do was assure him that he wasn't.

"It's not Ryoma's fault," Gonta murmured to him, "Ryoma couldn't control anything that happened, it wasn't at all in Ryoma's hands. Gonta can't even imagine how scary and lonely it must have been... but he can promise that he'll stay right by your side!"

Ryoma clung tighter onto Gonta, his sobs now reduced to sniffling.

"Th-Thank 'ou," He choked out, "'M sorry. Didn' mean to bother you."

"Ryoma's not a bother!" Gonta said reassuringly, pressing a light kiss on the top of his head, "Gonta doesn't mind to be here. Gonta wants to help Ryoma."

Ryoma tensed, as if the physical affection was a surprise, but he slowly leaned into it, his head resting onto Gonta's chest.

They stayed like that for a while— Gonta gently rubbing his back and holding him until his crying had ceased. Soon, though, he tapped Ryoma's shoulder, causing him to look up.

"Does Ryoma... want to sleep with Gonta for the night?" He asked.

Although it was Ryoma's choice, he hoped that he would say yes. He really didn't think it would be a good idea to leave him alone.

Luckily, it didn't take much time for him to decide, nodding as he pressed himself closer to Gonta.

"Alright," Gonta breathed out, "Does Ryoma need anything? Bottle... story...?"

"Nuh uh. 'M okay," Ryoma shook his head, his eyelids beginning to waver shut. He was likely exhausted from all of the crying.

Still, Gonta didn't feel... right, to just sit here quietly as Ryoma went to sleep. He felt like he should do something for him— anything— even if he hadn't asked for anything.

So, he did the first thing that came to mind— he started humming along to a song.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine," He began slowly, and when Ryoma let out a soft yet muffled giggle into Gonta's chest, he knew he had to continue.

"You make me happy, when skies are gray," Gonta hummed, running his fingers through Ryoma's hair as his breathing began to get steadier, his body less tense.

"You'll never know, dear, how much I love you," He dropped his voice to a whisper as Ryoma began to doze off, "Please don't take my sunshine away."

When he was met with only silence, he leaned down, tenderly, to press a kiss against Ryoma's cheek. Careful not to wake him, he closed his own eyes. A few words left his lips as he himself started to fall asleep.

"Goodnight, Ryoma. Gonta loves you."

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