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Little: Mondo Owada
Caregiver: Kiyotaka Ishimaru
hello!! this was requested by Lola_utilizodrogas :D first of all— i just want to say how sorry i am that i have not uploaded in like— three months? my first year of marching band definitely took up a lot of time and i'm in a few advanced classes— so school upon everything else has made my mental health drop. i haven't been very motivated to write, or do anything for that matter. but— things are slowly getting better! thank you all for being patient and i really have missed writing,, i hope i can upload more often! (and longer oneshots, haha) i love you all! <3

"Well, dear, I think it's safe to say you definitely are sick," Taka frowned as he held up the thermometer that read 101.5, "I'm sorry you woke up feeling not so great."

Mondo sniffled, and Taka cringed as he wiped his nose onto his sleeve.

"Ah— let me get some tissues," He said, grabbing some from a nearby table and handing one to Mondo, who promptly blew his nose into it.

When Taka walked into Mondo's room that morning, he knew something was the matter when Mondo was sniffling, clutching a stuffed animal tightly as he tossed and turned in the blankets.

When Mondo had a stuffie out, that was pretty much an indicator that he had regressed. When big, he keeps them in the very back of his closet, and when little, he digs them all out like he's trying to create an army with them.

And if he had regressed, he must be feeling pretty sick.

"Here, how about I make you something?" Taka hummed, "Does soup sound good? I think it would make you feel better."

Mondo sniffled, giving a tiny nod as he clutched his stuffed animal closer to his chest.


"Of course," Taka smiled, turning to the bedside table to pick up a remote. It couldn't hurt to put some cartoons on while he prepared the soup for him— it was probably for the best that he stayed here and rested, anyways. Taka then headed off for the kitchen.

It didn't take too long to prepare it, surprisingly. It couldn't have been more than fifteen minutes. So, with that, Taka poured some soup into a bowl and headed for Mondo's room.

"Hey, kiddo, I got your soup for you," Taka smiled.

"'Ank you," Mondo said, sitting up while Taka sat down on the edge of the bed, gathering some soup onto the spoon.

"Do you want Taka to feed it to you, dear?" He asked him.

"Don't hafta," Mondo huffed, "Can do it if I gotta."

"But I don't mind to," Taka told him, a grin forming on his face as he raised the spoon, "Here comes the airplane!"

Mondo broke out into giggles the second he heard the phrase, playfully pretending to push it away before taking it once it got closer to his mouth.

"Is it good?" Taka hummed.

Mondo nodded.

"Uh huh," He said, taking another spoonful that Taka gave him.

The two sat there for a moment, Taka quietly feeding Mondo and the only sound being an occasional cough or sniffle.

Soon, however, the soup had been finished off, and Taka set the empty bowl to the side. He picked up a cup of water and a pill.

"Okay, love..." Taka began softly, offering an awkward smile in apology when Mondo grimaced at the medicine, "I'm sorry. But you need it to get better."

"Nuh uh," Mondo crossed his arms and shook his head, "'M not gonna take it."

Taka sighed, chewing on his lower lip.

"I know you don't want to. But, in order to stay healthy and strong, you need to take it. Just a small pill, and then we can do anything you want afterwards!"

It was probably a dangerous game to say that they could do 'anything' if he took the medicine. But... hey, he was sick! How bad could anything he request be?

Mondo looked as if he was pondering over what he said before huffing and giving a nod.

"Thank you, honey," Taka hummed in relief, gently placing the pill in his mouth and helping him drink the cup of water.

Once everything had been said and done with (and Mondo got a chance to make a yucky face), Taka cleared his throat.

"So... what do you want to do?" He asked Mondo.

Mondo's cheeks flushed.

"Um... Jus' wanna cuddle," He said softly, "'N maybe watch Spongebob."

Taka grinned.

"I can definitely do that for you," He murmured, scooting closer to Mondo and wrapping an arm around him. Mondo leaned into him, watching the TV intently as Taka clicked the remote to turn it on.

Was it a good idea to be cuddling Mondo, who was sick?

Probably not.

Would Taka refuse to do so?

Absolutely not.

Because right now, he had a sick little that needed him. And he would be right by his side until he got better.

No matter how many Spongebob episodes he was forced to watch.

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