🌼☀️It's okay🥋🍵

567 13 9

Caregiver: Tenko Chabashira
Little: Angie Yonaga
hello!! this was requested by DisasterJolt :D i hope you like it c: happy pride month, by the way!! i hope everyone has a wonderful one <3 tenkangie is absolutely adorable so i'm always happy to write for them! this story is set in chapter 2 of v3 where they're preparing for himiko's magic show just in case anyone needed context!! thank you for reading and have an amazing day everyone :)

Tenko wasn't too sure where Angie had gone. All she knew was that it would probably be a good idea to find her.

While preparing for Himiko's magic show, Kirumi had walked up to Tenko and asked her where Angie was. When she shrugged and told her she had no idea, Kirumi nodded, stating that she was just curious since she had a question about the setup.

And as she scanned across the room, she realized it was probably a good idea to set out and find her. It was unlike her to be... so nowhere to be found? Out of sight, out of mind just didn't work with Angie. What if she was getting into no good? Or what if... she was upset?

Shaking her head, Tenko walking towards the stage set up, about to check the area when she heard faint crying coming from behind the curtain.

She blinked, furrowing her eyebrows. Was that Angie?

It very possibly could be. And even if it wasn't, it wasn't like she could just ignore a potentially sad classmate!

So, that's why she took a deep breath in and walked closer to the curtain. If something was wrong, she had to make sure everything was okay.

"Hello?" Tenko began hesitantly as she peeked behind the curtain, only gasping once she found the artist on the floor with her knees up to her chest, tears glimmering in her eyes, "Angie!"

"Mama," Angie choked out, and that was all it took for Tenko to soften, worry in her expression as she kneeled down next to Angie.

Tenko couldn't imagine what had made her so upset. Angie had been very excited about the whole ordeal with the magic show. Her eyes lit up as she directed the set up, a bright smile on her face the entire time.

The tears streaming down her face and the sobs that racked her body made it clear that something had happened, though. She wouldn't be so torn up if something hadn't.

Tenko felt a pang of pity twinge in her heart when she realized Angie was obviously regressed, too, and whether she had already been beforehand or if it just happened due to whatever made her so upset, she didn't know. All she knew was that she had to get to the bottom of this and make sure she would be alright.

"Oh, Angie..." She frowned, wrapping an arm around her and allowing her to collapse into her side, "What's the matter? Was it a degenerate male?"

Angie shook her head in between soft gasps.

"Uh uh," She whimpered, "Mean, mama! All of 'em! Don' wanna do a magic show anymore!"

Angie sounded so broken about it that Tenko could only hush her, pulling her close into her side and whispering soft phrases of assurance to her.

"It's okay, angel," Tenko murmured to her, "It's all gonna be okay, I'm here. Can you try to take some deep breaths and explain what happened to me?"

Angie sniffled, her grip on Tenko not relenting as she hesitantly glanced up from her side.

"Miu," She said softly, "Miu was bein' mean to me."

Tenko breathed out a sigh, upset but not exactly surprised.

Miu was known for her colorful language and offensive humor, so she wouldn't be surprised if she had said something equivalent to the behavior of a degenerate male.

"What'd she say to you, honey?" She asked, using her thumb to brush away some of the tears that had streaked down her face.

"Told me the show was lame," Angie whined, "W-Was childish and stupid 'n dumb!"

Tenko shook her head, quick to refute the statement. She saw the way Angie's eyes began to fill with tears again, and she would do anything to stop her from seeming so sad.

"That's not true, Angie!" She exclaimed, "I'm excited to see the show that you put on. And I know Himiko's very excited to perform. She doesn't get a lot of chances to show off her magic."

Angie pressed closer into Tenko, listening as she went on.

"And you've got a lot of people helping you! Kirumi, for example. She wouldn't be helping you if she thought it was dumb, right?"

"G-Guess so..." Angie said, her voice so small you could barely hear her.

Tenko hummed, leaning in to press a soft kiss to the top of her head.

"Don't listen to Miu, anyways," Tenko told her, "I'm sure her heart's in the right place, but she can be a bit mean when she wants to be. I bet she just wishes she could put together such a great show."

That caused Angie to grin, and she giggled at Tenko's words.

"R-Really think so?" She asked.

"I do," Tenko reached out to ruffle her hair, "I can't wait to see the show you've done for us."

The two stayed there for a moment, Tenko holding her while Angie calmed down.

It might be a while before she was fully okay again, despite the words of comfort Tenko had given her. But that was just fine.

Tenko would be here for as long as Angie needed her. And she would be there even when she didn't need her, too.

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