37: Newcomers

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Focused on using the mortar and pestle to disintegrate the plants into smaller particles, Izumi seemed to be zoning everything from around her in that forest as if she was completely alone. 


Hearing her name abruptly called, she stopped herself to glance up and see the doctor before her with plants in her hands. 

"Ah– Oh– Zeri. S-Sorry, I was so focused on this that I didn't know you were calling me." 

"It's alright, and it seems you've learned fast on what plants to mix together into the mortar." 

"I-Is that bad?" 

"Not at all, Emeralds are known to be quite intelligent, and you're no exception. But as much as we could continue your training, we have run out of time for today and need to head back to the city." Zeri reminded. 

"Oh– Already? Time seems to be running faster than I thought." 

"Yes, and it seems a lot faster today considering there are some people that I am expecting to see today. Let's head back to the city now." 


Before either of them could really say anything to each other, the two packed up everything from their voyage to the forest and started heading back to the city in no time. 

"Though this was only your first day, you've already mastered making your own medicine that can be used to treat injuries. There will be more times like this one today, so perhaps we should continue this training for you each and every morning if possible. Who knows when your powers could appear, so it would be better if you know medicine as much as you can before your powers start to appear." 

"Mn. I will work hard in the meantime." 


"Um– A-Also–" 



"What is it?"

"These people that you are saying are arriving in the city today... Are they friends of yours?" the greenette questioned nervously. 

Zeri didn't stop to think as they continued to walk out of the forest, and uttered a simple; "Yes." 


"Mn. You could say that they're the family I never got, growing up." 

"Oh– W-What happened to your family?" 

"They abandoned me early in my life" 

"Oh no– I-I'm so sorry for asking." 

"It's alright, that kind of thing doesn't bother me, but... But the people that are arriving today... They are considered the family that I always wanted. We've all had our problems and none of us are the same, but we've all trusted each other to the point of being considered a family." Zeri explained as a subtle smile pursued her lips.

"Ah– Seems like you haven't seen them in a while?" 

"You're right, it's been a few years, as I've been traveling throughout the East until I came to the city. Being a doctor is important, but seeing those familiar faces, they mean more than anything to me." Zeri spoke. 

"I see~ Then will I perhaps get to meet them?" 

"Hm~ Perhaps, but just not right away. They will be here for quite some time, so maybe you'll have plenty of opportunities to meet them." 

"Hmph– Just hearing how much you miss them makes me want to meet them." 

"You will, for now we should focus on making sure not to get caught when entering the city." 

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