Year Six; Chapter Six

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She found that it wasn't easy trying to replace the bad memories with good ones on her own and sat on the bed thinking of ways she could drag the boys down to one of the rooms without seeming suspicious. However, a very rude, very snappy, Mr. James Fleamont Potter found her closed off attitude to be inappropriate at that time and snapped his fingers in her face.

Y/n came to, having forgotten that she was eating dinner with the boys, and refocused her eyes on James. He was leaning forward on the table looking at her expectantly. She winced, her shoulders coming up, and shrugged, " So I may not have been listening-" Sirius whirled on her, grabbing her by the shoulders to meet his eyes, " N/n, we've been planning our great Christmas bonanza during dinner all week, how have you not been listening all week??" He shook her shoulders for emphasis and then leaned forward until their brows were touching and stared into her eyes, " You get to pick where we hide the stuff at." ___________________________________________________

James took one look at the map and frowned, it was eight p.m. and Sirius and Y/n had been walking around for hours, trying to find the perfect hiding spot for their preparational things. What he truly found worrying was that they kept going down this certain hall. It was only a few corridors off from Hufflepuff's common rooms and honestly way too far for them to house their stuff in. He scowled, it would take too long going through the flights of moving stairs and digging through hallways for it to work and yet they kept coming back.

There was just something off about that hallway, he could feel memories tickling the back of his brain but couldn't pinpoint why it felt off. He was so off in thought that he didn't even notice Remus come up from behind him until he reached across him and pointed at their footsteps on the map, " What'dya think they're doing down there, Y/n hates that hallway." James's footsteps faltered and he came to a lurching halt, realization dawning on him. He turned and looked at Remus, confusion evident on his face, " She's been down on that hall almost every day now. At the house party a couple weeks ago she mentioned something about hanging out in abandoned classrooms and at first I thought something was going on but she brushed me off."

James's body tensed, the cords of muscle in his arms tightening with anger, and he shoved the map into Remus's hands before he did something stupid and messed it up. He turned on his heel and started in the direction of the Hufflepuff commons, his stride brisk. Remus jogged up to him and clapped James on the shoulder in an attempt to stop him, " What the hell is going on James?"

He turned and met Remus's gaze, one full of anger and heat meeting one filled with confusion and concern, and balled his fists, " That's the hallway where all that shit happened Remus." He pointed a furious finger at the map now tucked into Remus's cloak, " I remember seeing her with him on the map, every godamned day, in that fucking hall." _________________________________________________________________

Godric, she wasn't even sure why she suggested a room on this hall. Sirius wasn't stupid, he knew something was up, he just didn't say anything until they started to close all the little hidey-holes in the abandoned potions room. " What are we doing down here N/n?" She winced, and went to pick up her cloak, " We're looking for somewhere to store prank materials. Thought you knew that Siri." The silence was loud and she winced again, she played too dumb.

He hadn't moved but she could feel him like he was standing right beside her, " Cut the shite Y/n, this is a really specific hall and you've been acting weird ever since we came down here." She turned and frowned, crossing her arms. Sirius looked mad, she'd been leading him on the whole way down here and he hadn't said a thing until she stilled in that doorway. " There's no shit to cut Sirius, we came down here to hide stuff not to have a therapy session."

He dropped it after that.

They were pulling on their cloaks when James ran in, wand in hand and ready to use. She froze and stared at him. James looked livid, absolutely livid.  She saw his eyes dart around the room, accessing, analyzing, and looking for some cause of destruction. His gaze darkened when it met hers, and it was then that she knew she'd made a mistake. ____________________________________________

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