Year four; Chapter eleven

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When Remus Lupin awoke, the first thing he did was wrap his bare body up in the blanket his mother had left in hopes that he would find himself aware during the transformation. The boy had been pleasantly surprised to find control of his body after transforming and mentally cursed himself for being shocked. He was fully confident in Y/n's potions abilities considering she'd always been two steps above him in class.

Remus soon found the pair of clothing his mother had previously set out for him and pulled the articles on over his limbs.

After completing that task he moved over to the cellar door and tested the handle to find it unlocked. Once outside he started for his bedroom, knowing full well that his parents and the younger siblings would be gone at the park already but was surprised when he didn't see Y/n's body laying under the bed's quilt. The boy soon went through his mind, attempted to figure where she might be.

He shook off the bad suspicions in his brain and went searching for Mare to inform him of his waking. However, the boy wasn't searching for long because he found her and Y/n making breakfast in the kitchen. At first when he entered the kitchen area his presence went unnoticed so he leaned against the door frame and decided to see how long it would take them to figure out he was there.

Y/n turned to Mare and grabbed the knife she was using to chop up a block of cheese. " Mare you're doing it wrong, you are supposed to do it this way." The younger female slid the cutting board over with a smile and began cutting it up in a very classy yet, classic way. Mare took over Y/n's previous role and continued the conversation.

" I didn't know you could cook. Where'd you learn?" The two switched over to the stovetop and started to add in the cheese and pepper to a pan. " Well, my dad taught me how to cook when I was younger and ever since I've lived with my mum I've cooked for her and her companions so I think it'll be safe to say that I've improved my skills over the years." The older girl nodded before taking over Y/n's job with a smile.

" I'll finish this up, why don't you go check on Remus and see if he's up." She nodded before wiping her hands on the rag at her waist and turning around with a small shriek. Remus started laughing  at the unassuming girl before him. She smiled sheepishly at him before wacking his shoulder lightly. Suddenly her demeanor changed and her eyes began to wrack Remus's body up and down, checking for wounds. He came to realize what she was doing before lightly gripping her shoulders and placing a finger under her chin.

The girl gazed up at him with worry and he soon mouthed out the words, I'm okay. She nodded slightly. " It worked
Y/n, it worked. And I'm standing here, scratch less and unscathed because of you. I guess this makes us even now eh?" The smaller girl reached up and wacked his head before reaching up and throwing her arms around his neck in a hug. Remus reacted almost immediately and hugged her back.

She pulled away moments after and Mare guided them to where breakfast lay.
" Thanks for Breakfast old lady."
" No problem tall boy."

" Didn't you just technically call Y/n an old lady too?"

Y/n sat down in the seat beside the older woman before pulling the seat's buckle over and acrost her chest.

" So, we're going Christmas shopping?"

The elder woman relied without her eyes moving from their spot on the road, " Yes my dear. I thought you'd want to come along, maybe we could catch up a bit. You've been at my house for almost two weeks and I still haven't gotten a decent chance to talk to you. And maybe you'll see a friend or two along the way."

There was something in the way she said that last sentence, something one could almost call false innocence, that made
Y/n question her.

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