Year five; Chapter nine

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Loving can hurt

Loving can hurt sometimes,

But it's the only thing that I know

Sirius downed another shot of vodka as James pulled Y/n up to dance. His cheerful banter was broken for only a split second at Y/n's grimace by Sirius's actions, his smile plastered back again as she turned.

Remus spared a glance at Y/n as he danced gracefully with Mare, his sister looked beautiful that day, her dress had a simple layout but the sleeve atop had small, almost unnoticeable, pink fabrics layering up to the collar. Mare had earlier told her it was part of a dress her sister used to have before the accident.

Mare laughed as Remus spun her around and smiled as he dipped her with a flourish.

As the song finished James pulled Y/n over to where Remus was standing, gently presenting the flushed girl to him with a caress of his hand and a wiggle of his brows. Y/n looked dizzy and tipsy in a way, in Remus's opinion, and she looked beautiful in the dress Mare had gotten her to wear.

The bridesmaids, Y/n and two of Mares other friends, all had to wear light periwinkle dresses. They were feathery and easy to move around in and they dropped down just above her knees. Mare had also added greyish colored shawls to them and a pair of elbow length gloves the same color.

Remus slipped an arm around her waist as she attempted to find balance and he quickly, but carefully, navigated her over to the chairs with their names.

He guided a glass of water up to her mouth with an easy hand and watched as she gulped half of it down before he took it away. " C'mon, time to get you to bed. Wait, Love who're you staring at?"

Remus moved onto his elbows beside the girl and looked at where her eyes were trained.

A man, who looked to be in his thirties, with short brown hair and e/c eyes stood outside of the Lupin's house door and was talking politely with his mother and father, gesturing towards the two teens seated at the couch. After a moment of their talking Hope pulled the door open and gave him a polite smile, inviting him inside.

Y/n shuddered inadvertently against the cold wind and pulled Remus's coat closer over her shoulders as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close.

The man came into the light and took a seat on the couch beside Y/n, Remus noticed the similarities between the two immediately.

She had his eyes, his jawline and the same smile his face that glowed up with sight of her.

Hope gently handed Y/n a cup of tea as she sat down on the other side of Remus, looking intently at the only other female in the room.

" Y/n this is your-"

" I know who he is."

She diverted her eyes from the man and looked down, taking a sip from her tea. Without looking up, she said, " Why's he here?"

Hope's face morphed into confusion at her question and she found herself stuttering out the answer.

" To t-take you home dear."

She finally spared another glance upward at him, her face a mask of neutral emotions and her eyes cold and skeptical. The teen locked eyes with him and kept his gaze as she took another sip of her tea, Remus's arm steady over her shoulder as he squeezed it reassuringly.

She looked upwards at Remus, her head tilted upward to meet his eyes, searching for something in them, anything to show his feelings on the matter. His eyes showed a positive attitude as he squeezed her shoulder again and pulled her close to his chest, dropping a chaste kiss to her forehead and moving his lips to her ear as she nuzzled her head into his neck.

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