Year four; Chapter nine

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Soon enough the four kids found themselves standing by the kitchen table contemplating what to do. The two younger one's went and grabbed toys to play with at the table while Y/n went to grab their plates for the wash.

After stacking then in a small little pile she went to pick them up; Remus reached his hand over hers and his other was resting casually on her waist while he leaned over her body from behind to grab the plates, " I can do those myself Rem." No matter how serious the situation happened to be, the girl still had a smile playing on her face while her arms helped to hold her body up against the back of the wooden chair while she turned her head to look back up at the boy. He started to wash them in the sink, " Yeah I know. You are very much capable of being your own person and doing things yourself but you also did them last night. Plus you're better with kids than I am."

The girl let out a light laugh before moving over to where the younger children were waiting for her at.

As she sat down on the carpeted living room floor by the children she saw that they had grabbed as many blankets their little arms could possibly hold and brought them all back down to the couch. " And why do we have a cupboard full of blankets in the living room?" They laughed at her mock seriousness and started to separate the blankets by color, Jamal grabbing the brighter ones and Kiya grabbing the darker ones.

Soon enough the two had sorted out the pile and were standing by each of their colors. " Oh I get it. You two wanna make forts don't you?"

She walked over to the couch and beckoned them over. The little kids walked over to her and sat on either of her legs while she bounced them up and down slightly. " How'd you know that's why we got the blankets pretty lady?" Kiya asked, making the older girl wince slightly.  'Pretty Lady', not a phrase she liked having to hear seeing as it brought back memories. Remus walked in and grabbed the younger girl from behind before lifting her up off of Y/n's leg and unto his shoulders before she had a chance to answer.

" Let me tell you a secret. If we make one big fort in the corner beside the couch it'll be way cooler."

The little blonde girl shook her head slowly, wagging a finger in his face as he came to rest beside Y/n on the couch.
" Nuh uh!" The two kids jumped off the couch and ran to the others' blankets. Kiya grabbed the brighter ones before running them to one side of the room while Jamal did the same for the opposite things. Kiya and Jamal then, ran back over to the couch and grabbed a hand before dragging the hand's owner over to their side of the room. Y/n stumbled along after Kiya while laughing and Remus watched her with admiration and an unreadable emotion as he and Jamal started on their fort.

It was a race against time, while the boys were working hard by being 'serious and straightforward', the girls would joke and laugh and play around while very strategically placing pillows and blankets in their places. Very suddenly the kitten shaped egg timer Remus had put up went off, " Step away from the fort's!" All four of them stood up and walked over to the living room's centerface. Y/n shrugged and put up a fake mask of disgust,

" Meh,

" I think ours is better."


Three hours later the children had just finished eating lunch and were making Remus and Y/n flower crowns and paper swords. Jamal got Y/n to kneel down while he, very carefully, placed the crown upon her head while Kiya knighted Remus. They stood back to admire their work. " I think we're missing something Kiya." She nodded her head before Jamal's face cracked into a wicked grin.
" Yes Jamal. I know what we need to fix..." They looked back at each other before grabbing the lower arm of their older partner and dragging them off to a room.

Kiya dragged Remus off to his bedroom and Jamal brought Y/n to a bathroom. Kiya sat the boy down on his bed before asking him, " Do you have hair gel?"

Jamal sat Y/n down on the toilet seat and took her hands in his. " Do you have any dresses or pretty shirts or skirts?"

The girl shook her head. Jamal looked down and stuck his tongue between teeth and bit down a tad, in thought.
" Remember that blue shirt that I made you try on when we went through your clothes together?" She nodded again, " I kinda took your bag a few minutes ago and brought it here. So, put on the shirt please?" A grin slowly spread throughout her face and she accepted the shirt from the boy.

" Remus put on your school cloak and this white shirt."  Kiya stood in Remus's closet throwing certain articles of clothing out at him while directing him to put them on.


" Are you sure I look alright in this Jamal?"

" I thought you trusted my fashion expertise!"

" I do-

" Then you look fabulous. But before I let you go, we need one more thing. A princess needs her crown."


Remus stood inside of his room waiting for Kiya to let him out. " Okay Remmy you can come out now!"

Oh Boy did he know something was up, Kiya only called him Remmy when something happened or she was about to do something.

Why is Y/n always somewhere else when I need her.

The taller boy walked out of the door and into the living room where he found Y/n, shockingly, wearing a pastel blue long sleeve shirt, two dark red flannel shirts tied around her waist; one tied around the front like an apron and another tied around the back like a normal person would wear flannel, the bottoms tied together in knots on each side and her hair was done with a flower-crown and light blue glitter. It soon dawned on him why her face was flushed pink and why it suddenly became harder for him to swallow, the makeshift skirt had been the only thing she was wearing on her lower body, other than underwear, he assumed, and socks. The skirt only came down to the middle of her knee and if she turned too quickly the slit in the middle of the sides would flash some of her upper thigh

Her wrists were loosely tied and she had a blindfold on, she had been sitting cross legged on her legs in the middle of the floor. " Apparently I'm a princess in trouble and you're my knight who has to save me from the two little dragons."

Remus's mood changed after hearing those words and his face found a smile.
" Now where might those little dragons be hiding at, my beautiful kidnapped princess?"


The knight in black clothed armor bent down and untied his princess before taking the blindfold off and lifting her body from the floor in one arm. He spun the girl around lightly before pulling them chest to chest holding her bridal style.
" Alas, I apologize for the long wait my Queen. As you must've heard, I had quite a rough time reaching you from the raving dragons clutches. Do forgive me my lady..." The soon to be Queen let her head fall unto the knights clothed chest, " I suppose I can..."

She tilted her head up slightly and looked into Remus' eyes. Both pairs of pupils had dilated while they gazed into each other's eyes for what the children thought had been quite a few seconds too long. Remus started to walk them over to where the little ones lay at the couch before pulling both of them down as he sat.  He lay on his side on the inside of the couch with Y/n by his arms, a space between them of which the two children soon occupied. The smaller girl laid on the older females stomach and nuzzled her head into her chest while the younger boy curled into her side. The older boy carefully reached up where his feet lay and grabbed a blanket before pulling it over the four of them and pulling the taller girl closer into his arms where she nuzzled her own head into his chest, only for him to wrap his arms around the girl and hold the three people as if they were his family to protect.

But then again,

I guess you could say they were.

And when Hope entered the Lupin household later that evening,

she just couldn't find it in her heart to wake them.

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