Year four; Chapter seven

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Chapter seven part 1

Use this picture as reference for later on in the chapter.

"Hey Remus!"

The taller brow haired boy turned his head to look at the person running towards him. He immediately stopped and went to help her pick up the small suitcase in her hands, which she could carry herself with ease. " You know I can carry that right Re?" He turned and nodded once more before wrapping his arm around her shoulder. Remus thought something was missing on her face and he just couldn't piece together what it was.

" My parents are gonna love you."


The two of them stood and waited for the other three boys to catch up before they boarded the thestral driven carriages headed for Hogsmeade station. They entered their compartment in the train soon after leaving the carriages.

Remus sat next to Y/n by the window in an attempt to calm her nerves. " How do you know they'll like me Rem? What if they hate me and make us stop talking?" She had been the pulling on the ends of her hair and biting her lip slightly in anticipation and it was just killing Remus to watch her do that.

Soon Remus couldn't handle her nerves and ranting. He pushed his hands down on her shoulders and forced her to meet his eye. " Y/n love, stop worrying. There're going to love you. My siblings'll love you and they'll love you too. Just trust me okay." She let go of her hair and nodded.

He sighed and let go of her shoulders before slumping back against the seat and waiting for the train to come to an end.

The full moon was next week and he wondered if Y/n remembered to bring the ingredients for Wolfsbane with her.

Oh Godric he hoped she did.

Eventually the train came to a stop and the group of teens had to get off. Peter immediately spotted his parents and left to go with them, James and Sirius spotted the Potters and the two adults gave all four of them hugs before departing with James and Sirius.

Y/n turned to Remus and looked around. " Do you see them Remus?" He shook his head as a no before turning back to the crowd and stretching up to see even further back.

After around three minutes the two of them heard someone call his name.
" Remus! You're back! Mum and Dad and Kiya and Mare are waiting for you and your girlfriend at the car. C'mon I was sent to find you two." A little brown boy around the age of seven started tugging on Remus's hand before he squatted down and scooped him up in his arms.

The little boy squealed and buried his face In Remus's collarbone before releasing and looking behind him at Y/n. The kid cracked a grin that showed all high shiny white teeth before waving his hand quickly. " Hi, I'm Y/n. I'm assuming that you are Jamal?" She asked the child politely with a smile while they walked.

He jumped down from Remus' arms and ran into hers where she happily picked him up and held him at her hip. Remus looked back and smiled as he saw them bonding together. His hand soon found its way to her small suitcase and he held both of their small collection of things while he walked in front of the chatting pair.

Soon enough they reached a car with a family of four waiting besides it. Almost immediately after Remus set their two bags down he was tackled to his knees on  the ground from hugs. A taller girl who looked about 18-20 with faded reddish brown hair in a pixie cut with overalls was now holding him in a headlock while a younger girl who looks to be seven with pigtails tied in a braid at the back of her head was squeezing the air out of his lungs. Eventually the two let him go and helped him up before two adults stepped up to him.

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