Year four; Chapter two

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Y/n's P.o.V.

It's about time to go to bed so we had to get changed. I'm honestly just going to sleep in what I have on because mother never gets me new clothes. I left the bedroom while the boys changed. " Okay Y/n, you can either get changed in the bathroom or we can leave while you change."

I shook my head and sat on one of the bean-bag chairs. Remus looked at me skeptically and James, Sirius and Peter cocked their heads to the side. " Aren't you gonna change?" I shook my head with a grimace. " Money's kinda short in my family so I only have a few things to wear. Not including nightwear."

Sirius and James looked at me weird.
"But, Y/n, your family is one of the richest pureblood families in London. Why wouldn't you have the mon- Oh, yeah." I gave him one of those looks and in one of the most sugary sweet voices I could manage, I said, " now he remembers." He had an 'I'm stupid' look on his face.

"Yeahhhh, sorry N/n. I just forgot for a minute there. You can wear one of Remus shirts or something though. I'm sure my mum wouldn't mind getting you new clothes either." I shook my head almost immediately and James shook his too. I sighed after James won our silent argument.

Remus went over to his trunk and pulled out a short sleeved shirt before handing it to me. I went to the bathroom and pulled off my shirt. I smiled once I put it on. I personally like shirts that fit a bit looser so wearing his shirt felt nice. And it was really soft.

I'm only an inch or two shorter than him so the shirt came down to a little above half my thigh.

Remus looked at me and James ruffled his hair before Remus got mad and attempted to fix his hair back. Sirius looked at me and I looked into his eyes. His walls came down and I could see it in his eyes. 
Sirius Orion Black is abused.
He nodded his head in a way only I could see.

After staying awake and watching Sirius and James play chess and exploding snap Remus and I decided to just read. About halfway through my book I felt someone plop down beside me on one of the squishy pallets. I put the book down and looked at Sirius. He stretched his arms behind him before flopping down backwards. It's too quiet.

I looked around the room to see just Sirius and I. Soon I moved my gaze to him quizzically. As if reading my mind he said, " The others went down to get snacks and stuff. We tried asking you wether you wanted something but you looked like you were too absorbed in the book so I volunteered to stay back with you. Told the others I'd stay so you wouldn't freak out once you stopped reading. But, I have other intentions. Gimme your arm."

His face was firm and set, his hand extended as if waiting for me to give him my arm. I gave him a look of which I wouldn't've used around Mrs. Potter. His face became slightly more forceful before pulling my body to where we were sitting parallel to each other. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked me in the eye.

" Y/n, the whole, 'iron deficiency' thing isn't going to fool everyone. Now hand me your arm."

I stared at him in shock before he pulled my arm. " Most people would easily be fooled by the iron deficiency slip up thing but from the eyes of someone who's abused, it's much harder to fool. I bet you have a bazillion more bruises and crap than these. Not going to push you to say anything though. I'm just going to say I'm here if you need to talk about anything like this. I'll understand and won't judge, okay? So don't hesitate if you need to talk about things dealing with this. And I know you're probably not allowed to tell anyone about this but, technically I figured it out. I want to tell the boys but if you don't want me to then I won't. Okay?"

He released my arm and looked up at me. I managed to nod my head before he sighed and stood up. I took the hand he had extended and pulled myself up with it. A single tear rolled down my face and Sirius pulled me into a hug. We simply sat together by the bean bags until the boys came back with snacks. Eventually we had to go to bed. I was on the one farthest left and Remus was closest to me.

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