Year five; Chapter four

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*There are triggering topics ahead, if you get triggered easily I suggest you skip over certain parts of this chapter*

Very Better


Remus tried to fall asleep yet all he could think about was what he had witnessed last Tuesday evening.

The memories of what he'd done and seen flashed through his mind as if on repeat.

Remus walked into his dorm to read a few books, clean up a bit and maybe even take a nap, what he didn't expect to walk into was
Y/n sitting upon his bed.

The last person he'd wanted to see.

So, he ignored her presence and went on with what he had planned.

He didn't give a flying fuck that he was pretty much being a rude asshole by then. He simply cared that the woman he loved attempted to completely betray him and his friends and was now pissed about that.

" Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in the library snogging someone?"

His voice had a venomous tone to it, one he'd never used before, and it hurt Y/n like a hit to her heart with stone.

" Can we talk?—just for a minute even?"

She had to hastily add that last part after seeing the look of disgust on Remus's face. The boy shorted and sneered back at her saying,
" If you just wanted to talk you could've done that months ago, instead you sat back and bloody left us!"

He marched right out of the room like lightning after thunder and left her there wondering if she would ever get her friend back.

He was walking later that evening, doing his rounds, when he faintly heard a cry coming from somewhere down the hall.

Remus was swift, running through the corridor and turning the corner, he came to a stop at a broom closet.

His wand was already out, held in a way so it would be easy for him to shout a spell and he quickly positioned himself in a defensive stance. He flung open the door and cast the first spell that came to mind, The Full Body-Bind Curse.

He glanced at the girl slumped against the wall only once before his cloak was wrapped around her shoulders and he was gesturing for her to move. He looked down at the boy on the floor and kicked him in the side, Chad Chaddington would be leaving shortly afterwards in the custody of Professor McGonagall.

He looked over his shoulder at the girl, a concerned look on his face. Although he knew what to do in this situation, seeing as his best friend had gone through the same foul shite for fifteen years, he treated it differently.

Remus bent down and grimaced at the pile of bloody clothes in the corner, he pointed at them and looked back at her, 'Can I get rid of these?', he said.

She responded only with a nod, wrapping the cloak tighter around her shoulders. It was a gesture Y/n did often.

Moments later and they were gone with a poof, replaced with a new set of clothes, and he was standing before the girl holding the new ones out.

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