Year five; Chapter three

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Dear Evangeline,

Come take your sister's kid to live with you, just keep her father away. She's never been safe here and you know that.

Sincerely your other twin,


Dear Candy,

I already took her away from you twice, just send over her stuff.

Send her to me after she leaves the boarding school.

Sincerely Evangeline.

Dear Evangeline,

She tends to stay with friends over the summers and I wouldn't blame her, it's not like I wanted to hand her over to Frank.

Ask the kid yourself, I was pleading for him not to.

But she might not stay with you is my point. The Potters or Lupins if you get curious.

Sincerely your sister

" Y/n you're not coming this time."

" Remus-'

" No, I want you to stay with Pomfrey. You know why I don't want you to come good and well Y/n. Just sit there and wait for us to come back."

" But Re-'

" No."

She had been trying to tell him it was a Saturday.

" y/n..."

The girl quickly turned and gasped at the sight of Remus.

The boy was barely even scathed.

He swiftly weaved through all the chairs and couches in the common room and came to a stop in front of Y/n before placing his hands on her hips and hugging her close.

" it worked again."

Sirius moved over to Y/n and plucked her body up and over his shoulder, frowning at the difference in weight.

The boys moved into their dorm and as Sirius sat Y/n down he saw her shirt pull up, revealing a collage of bruises in the shape of hands before realization dawned on his face and he pulled the shirt back down lightly and moved over to his bed.

" You're eating breakfast tomorrow or I'll tell Pomfrey you're skipping again."

" Asshole."

" Dipshit."

" Man-Whore."

" Bitch."

" Bloody rotten bastard."

" Dollface."

At the sound of those words the girl froze, her body stilling completely, eyes unblinking.
Then, she clumsily stumbled out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

'Come on dollface, put that shirt on. I can't be having fun with you if we have guests.'

Remus immediately looked over to where Y/n had been, knowing exactly why she'd frozen up at the word. He swiftly jumped off his bed and moved out the door to find her, shoving Sirius on the way out.

Once Remus found the girl he cupped her face and shook her frail shoulders, noting how she winced at the contact and how she flinched as he came nearer.

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