Year four; Chapter thirteen

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When Y/n L/n awoke she couldn't find it in her to move. Not a single limb.
Her entire body felt numb, and weak,

The girl raised her wrist and fiddled with her fingers for a few seconds, until the pain set in and they had to drop. She felt fatigued and depressed. More than usual anyway. Y/n couldn't keep her arm up for more than a few seconds and had to take breaks before she could try to move again.

Everything felt, numb, and she felt too small in Remus's bedroom. She felt like the walls were stretching everywhere and like there was no escape in sight.

So she stood, and tried to walk to the door to get away from the inevitable body-trap.

Only for Remus to walk into the bedroom at the very moment she dropped. The boy had to catch the blood and energy drained girl in his arms before she fell; he pulled her over to the bed and held her up in his lap. "Love your body is fatigued and blood-drained. It'll make you hurt even more if you try to move that much... just lay down with me and I'll read a book and you can try to eat some food or chocolate okay?"

The tired girl nodded and let Remus cover her back up before the feeling of being trapped returned.

After Remus left and Mare helped Y/n into some clothes, his elder sister came towards him, " Remus, why don't you and the boys go out and hang around town today? I can stay with Y/n and we can hang out and bond and start wrapping you guy's present's." The other boy opened his mouth to object but before he could utter a word, the older female held up a hand and silenced him with a smirk,

" Besides, I already settled it with mum so you also have no choice. And, you need to hang out with the boys your age, if you hang out with Y/n too long you'll turn into a girl yourself." Remus retaliated by elbowing his sister's side as she too.

Mare pushed him towards the main house door where Sirius and James were waiting for him. Remus turned around and caught one last glimpse of his older sister before he was hauled out and pulled away from the place he had come to call home by his two bestfriens.

By the time the three of them had reached the main town, James, Sirius and Remus had already plotted many ways to explain to the population of Hogwarts that they were back again; all of which included 'coming back with a bang'.

" Padfoot, I'm hungry and Moony looks tired of walking, I suggest we go somewhere to eat. Remus?" James finally spoke up about his needs and him and Sirius turned their attention towards Remus. Remus, who had previously been thinking about life and Y/n and whether or not Y/n would like what he got her for Christmas and wondering how Y/n was, paid no attention and didn't care to look look at the other two boys. His brows were furrowed and his lips were parted slightly.

Sirius sighed heavily and grabbed Remus's shoulders shaking them hard,
" Remus Lupin, Stop Daydreaming About Your Damn Wife And Snap Out Of It." The taller boy immediately snapped to attention and he did nothing to stop Sirius from shaking him back and forth; the boy managed a sentence between his torture sentence and he said such with irritation and full confidence, " I wasn't daydreaming about Y/n Sirius. Now what'dya want?"

Sirius finally let go once James pulled him off of the poor boy and they started walking again, " We're hungry and you've lived here the longest, you should know somewhere we can go." Remus looked down and bit his lip in concentration before letting out a sigh, " Well, there is this one place I took Y/n to last week... but if we go you're paying James."
His tone had a sense of finality to it. He looked towards James and Sirius before heading off towards the small diner.

" Wait Y/n! You said that when you and Remus went out last week he took you to that one diner, the one with neon lights on the side?" Mareabelle asked the younger girl whom of which was currently mixing a patch of icing beside her. " Yeah, the one with those blue neon lights on the sides. What about it?"

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