Year four; Chapter fourteen

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She woke up to Kiya and Jamal Lupin jumping all over her legs and shouting Happy Christmas before Remus pulled her head back to his collarbone and told them to bugger off for ten more minutes.

Y/n sighed deeply when the two had left and she went to bury her head into Remus scar-filled chest.

After a full, quiet minute of peaceful silence Marabella walked in and pulled the unsuspecting girl off of her dear friend to find her in one of Remus's shirts and a pair of socks.

" Oh come one Mare, five more minutesssss."

" No.

" We are putting clothes on you and talking in my bedroom because Jamal and I went through your clothes yesterday and saw you didn't have anything
Christmas-ie and I don't trust you to change in the same room as my brother. You could've done better Y/n, yet you chose Remus."

The half dazed girl looked up long enough to see her crack an amused smirk at Remus.

" Hey!"

As Mare pulled Y/n out of the bedroom with her small assortment of essential clothing she also came to ruffle Remus's hair on the way out as he was leaning against the bedroom's doorway in pajama pants without a shirt. " Sorry baby bro."

Once Mare had Y/n in her bedroom she looked the girl up and down, grimaced, and chucked a pair of the girls pants at her head.

" Put some pants on L/n."

Her voice had a teasing tone to it and it made Y/n blush. She grasped the pants and started pulling them on as words came out of her mouth.

" Mare shut up. I took a shower and passed out before I could put pants on so Remus just carried me to the bed okay. Stop making things out like that Mare."

The elder girl simply replied by locking the bedroom door and shooting the younger one a sly smirk.

" Don't worry kid, I won't make remarks about your boyfriend in front of the family. But for now, let's get some clothing on you so we can open presents."

Mare's words confused Y/n.

The girl had never seen what a normal family acted like so she had also never thought that the Lupins would give her anything.

Yeah sure, Remus and the boys had given her stuff on Christmas before but they were the boys. They are her friends, her family, but that's different than a real one.

" Wait- I get presents?"

The older red haired girl turned and moved over to Y/n, placing her hands on the girl's shoulders and forcing her to look up.

" Listen to me kid. I know that things in your family are rough, and that you've probably never had a real relationship with your parents. But Y/n, you are loved, we love you. I Do Not Care what your mother tells you, because you are you. And we love you okay. Don't believe anything else."

" Mum mum mum mum mum mum mu-'

" Yes dear?"

Hope Lupin's face showed agitation at her child's constant pestering. Y/n looked over her glass of water to see Kya jumping up and down in her seat, breakfast forgotten.

" Can we open presents yet mum? Pretty pleaseeeeeeeeeee?"

Hope looked down at the girls plate before her eyes moved back up to meet Kiya's.

" Finish your breakfast and we can."

Remus was absentmindedly wrapping his arm around Y/n's shoulder as she slide closer to Remus on the bench her, him, Mare and her girlfriend had been sitting at the table. The slightly taller boy rubbed her arm subconsciously.

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