Year five; Chapter eight

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Cara- darling, beloved, dear, loved one

Later the next day Mare decided to take Y/n along to shop for her wedding dress, and of course, Remus tagged along as well.

At first he only agreed because she was going but later realized that they had desperately wanted him to get out of the house and see sunlight for once.

Which meant any means necessary to keep him there.

" Wait so Mare, aren't James's parents paying for this? Don't we have to meet them or something?"

Y/n walked beside the older girl as she ran her fingers through stacks of fabrics lying on a back table in the store. She doubled back when Mare stopped.

" No, I'm actually making my own dress. I mean, Euphemia and Fleamont are paying for the fabrics but, I'm going to be making it. And I'm making the bridesmaids dresses too."

Mare turned and winked at Y/n as she grasped her hand and motioned for her to feel the fabric in her's.

Remus rolled his eyes at the blissful smile on his sisters face at the feeling of the fabric and had to hold back a grin at the look of Y/n's face in the sunlight.

He hadn't seen just how magnificent her s/c
skin could look in the sunlight recently.

She looked stunning.

Her gorgeous h/c hair was simply sparking in the sun and her beautiful e/c irises looked like crystalline in the ravishing sunlight. The scar on her face was now a thin, yet deep line cutting across her face and the colors were no longer molded together but the skin around it had always stayed pink, as if she were blushing.

The color of it however mixed perfectly together with the rich, titian coloring of the sun light streaming through the tinted, glass stained windows of the boutique and- oh good lord the smile in her face, the sparkle in her eyes.

He hadn't seen her seem so carefree in ages. Her skin glowed with happiness, her face and smile, her grin and smirk, every single one of her expressions showed it. They all showed the brightness bubbling inside her heart and mind, soul and body.

And seeing that sight every single morning when he woke up, simply made him fall in love with her again everyday.

Suddenly a pair of fingers came snapping in front of his eyes and Remus almost dropped the stack of fabrics he'd been carrying for the ladies. Mare stood full height before Remus and shook his shoulders lightly.

" Okay little bro, I get it, your girlfriend looks nice, that doesn't mean you can just stare at her the entire time while we walk around. You're creepin her out Rem."

She glanced back over to where Y/n stood on her tippy-toes next her, her head level with Remus's neck.

Remus glanced over to Y/n and saw her biting her lip again, peering at Remus with a inquisitive, saddened look to her face.

" I heard my name, did I do something wrong?"

Y/n looked between the two and before either could speak a word she began to stammer out a string of words that quickly diminished the light and carefree mood, bringing to light something new Remus hadn't accounted for.

" I mean, if I did do something wrong. I- I mean you can yell at me, o-or you could hit me or anything else you felt fitting."

The girl brought her sleeve up to her mouth and began to chew nervously on it, keeping her eyes low by her feet as if in disappointment, lightly rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet.

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