Year five; Chapter five

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" Y/n, Y/n, Y/n, Y/-'

" What James?"

Her voice came out sounding irritated and annoyed as her face showed the same emotions while glaring halfheartedly at the other boy in the room.

James looked down, slowly twirling the quill in his hand and pursed his lips lightly in a nervously pronounced way. Then, he looked up at her, cheekily pushing his glasses higher up on the bridge of his nose.

" Well, since Sirius and Remus are in detention and Peter's out getting sweets, I was wondering if you'd like to do something other than homework... maybe one of the things we used to do together?"

His voice came out hesitant, as if he expected her to get angered at the suggestion. Of course they'd only just reconnected with Y/n and still did openly expect her to get mad easily. Y/n felt a twang of guilt string at her heart and James immediately saw the sorrowful look on her face. The girl coughed into her fist and glanced back up to James, beginning to put her papers away.

" Yeah, of- of course James. Just give me a minute to and we can do something."

" It's been a while since we composed, d'ya wanna try that again?"

Y/n timidly looked up and nodded, subconsciously pulling her black cloak tighter around her shoulders. James let out a sigh and started to collect the papers and materials needed for them to write.

Y/n watched as the boy bent over and started to rifle through his trunk and watched as he paused and stopped his actions.

" What happened to you Y/n? What, what made you stop, why did you change? It might not' even been much to you but to us it was like ripping our hearts out Y/n."

The boy turned around to look at her and the girls heart broke.

James looked in her eyes and his face was filled with pain, he was on the brink of tears.

" Do you even know what that feels like Y/n?"

He had to pause and compose himself before continuing.

" Do you even know how it feels for your best friend, your family, to just walk by one day and decide that you're not good enough? For them to just look at you and say enough with this? It feels like hell Y/n! IT FEELS LIKE BLOODY DAMN HELL Y/N!"

" I KNOW JAMES! Do you even stop and think about how I felt when my dad left? Do you even stop and think about how hard having to do that was on me too? Did you even begin to suspect that I did that for you guys' safety?!"

By that time Y/n had gotten to her feet and had been standing nearly a foot away from James.


James pulled his arms up and shoved Y/n back, pushing her to the floor where she scrambled to her feet, moving back towards James. The teenager before her was fuming, absolutely fuming. So when Y/n came back near him, James in his anger-clouded state of mind's first thought was to shove her backwards into a dresser.

" So excuse me if I don't immediately recognize that you pushed us away for our 'safety' when all you did was break our hearts."

The boy stood over the girl as she lay on the ground and scoffed. James began to wait for her to get back up.

Y/n always got back up. She was just that kind of person, immediately rebounding in a fight.

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