Year one; Chapter one

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She jerked at the noise.

Her head snapped over to the door and she frowned, her little fingers loosing their grip on the towel and plate.

The little girls shoulders shrugged and she turned back around to focus on the dishes.

There was another pecking at the door and she turned, hopping off the little stool she used when she washed dishes.

She had to get the door before mum got up, she would be mad if she woke up from something like that. It wasn't fun when she got mad before eight in the morning.

When she opened the door she didn't find the mail man, but she found a letter. She stared down at it cautiously for a few moments before she decided to pick it up.

The letter had a certain weight to it, and it felt like parchment. She turned it over and her name was on the front, Y/n L/n, along with her address and it specified which room she lived in.

That kind of creeped her out.

But the letter said something about Hogwarts, she'd heard her mother and some other woman talking about that Hogwarts place before. At one of those big fancy rich people balls she made her go to once, yeah that was the place.

She met a little boy there, he had black hair and was really cool. They snuck around and did dumb stuff for part of the time, until, of course, their parents caught them and she went back to the house early.

Hopefully he would be at Hogwarts.

She was reading one of the course textbooks when the boys came in, well, one at a time they came in.

James came first, he was funny and really nice and gave her a handful of the candy he was stuffing in his face.

Sirius came after him, she thought that he was the little boy she met once. But not a single time did he show any recognition of her.

Remus came in after them and only because there hadn't been enough seats left, she did think that he was very comfortable with the three of them and their jokes.

Peter came last and gave all of them a tin of cookies his mother had made for him to give to his new friends. He was a very sweet boy.

They joked and laughed and just generally goofed their arses off for the majority of the time.

I've got me some friends now.

Very nice friends. She thought about how kind they were to her while she was changing into her robes in one of the bathroom stalls.

Y/n yanked her stupid tights off, mother had made her wear them, and pulled off the dumb dressy skirt too.

She turned in the stall, twisting and turning her torso so she could better look at her leg. The few stitches holding the wound together were rather sloppy, but they were the best she could do.

She tried her best to ignore the heavy feeling in her limbs, to pull herself along to get dressed, but it felt nearly impossible to do.

She just wanted to sit down for a few moments and nap. Although, it wasn't as satisfying when she did sit. The stitches stretched farther apart and the yellow bruises on her chest and arms ached more than the cut on her leg did.

She let out a huff, and stood up to leave the stall.

The closer they came to reaching Hogwarts the more fatigued she got, and the more anxious Sirius seemed to become.

She didn't know when, but at some point in time Sirius moved over to sit next to her, switching with Peter.

He tapped her shoulder, snapping her from her thoughts and pulling her back from the window, Sirius glanced around the cart and leaned into her ear.

" You're that girl aren't you, from the ball a few years ago."

She glanced at him and nodded, her lips pressed firmly at the memories of what happened afterwards.

Her mother had a screaming contest with the houses walls once they got to the house again and Y/n had left the sitting room feeling worse than ever.

" I remember all that stupid stuff we did, don't you? Like when we were sneaking around and pulling some ladies skirts together and tied them to the table."

He had a giddy grin to his face, a very cheesy, giddy grin, and she couldn't help but smile back, if only for a moment.

" Yeah, it was so much fun!" For a few moments there, they both had shit-eating grins on their faces.

They pulled back mere seconds later and spoke at the same time, their voices low, " I remember how she pulled you away."

Sirius looked positive ecstatic when the talking hat called his house out as Gryffindor, positively ecstatic.

So did she when it called hers as Gryffindor, but then it was as if they both had fucked up because all of the Slytherins (the people in green) went silent, and their faces adopted disgusting grimaces.

Sirius knew Y/n would be in for hell, as she knew he would too.


A/N: Okay people, this is the officially edited version of Chapter One and I am proud to say I don't 100% hate it

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