Year one; Chapter two

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She awoke abruptly, her body practically drenched in sweat. She didn't like seeing her mother in dreams, didn't like seeing her mother at all.

It didn't help much when the dream kept her awake and woke up her up at, she leaned over to check the watch on her nightstand, five in the morning.

She was awake two hours too early, dammit.

At least there would be time for a shower before breakfast.

She lay on the couch afterwards, dressed and prepared for class, waiting for those four boys to ascend the stairs.

She didn't know how long she was out, but when she awoke James was shaking her shoulder.

" How long have you been down here?"

Y/n stretched her arms above her head and yawned, sitting up. She rubbed at her eyes and searched her memory for a few moments before responding, " Six thirty maybe?"

James gasped and staggered backward to express his opinion on early awakenings.

" Six thirty in the morning?! Who would wake up that early, let alone wait until eight for us to arrive?"

Sirius nor James would give her a chance to respond before they began to haul her out the common room door for the dining hall. Remus and Peter dragged behind, barking at the three of them to wait so they could catch up.

They all started stuffed their faces as soon as their asses touched the seats in the dining room.

Y/n had to slow down a little ways in though, her stomach wasn't used to that amount of food at one time, it wasn't all too much but it was a lot for her. Her mother never really would feed her much, she always forget to and by the time her and her date started fucking on the couch Y/n's appetite had gone away.

Professor McGonagall came and passed them their class schedules sometime after they had sat and the five of them compared their table.

They had almost all class together, all except for one only her and Remus shared.

" Hey James, is it okay if I eat some of that?"

Her hands very in her lap but she looked just ready to reach for something on the table.

The others were paying more attention to the food they were scarfing down and the jokes they were telling than to her and James. He swallowed the food lodged in his throat and looked at her oddly, gulping a mouthful of whatever was in his goblet. " Yeah of course Y/n."

He paused for a moment and looked at her, really looked at her, " Why wouldn't it be okay?"

She hesitated, Remus could see it on her face,
" Mother doesn't normally let me eat breakfast, mostly just whatever's left during lunch is what I eat. I just had to ask..."

She went quiet for a few moments, and her gaze dropped to her lap where she was fidgeting with her fingers.

Remus reached over and went to place what she'd asked for on her plate. His sleeve rolled up some while he was doing that, she could see scratches up what she could see of his arm. She didn't know she was staring until he pulled his hand away and gestured toward her plate, his face had turned pink.

She cringed inwardly, " sorry."

He had scars.

" Don't worry about it, people stare all the time." His voice quieted and his face reddened more.

Y/n scrambled for something to say, " No I wasn't staring to be rude Remus, I just..."

She bit her lip and pulled one of her sleeves back, showed it to him, careful so he wouldn't see the inside of her arm, " I have scars too is all."

Remus stared at what he could see of her arm for a few moments before she pulled it back and yanked the sleeve down, her face pink too. Although, Remus's face had been robbed of most of it's color.

The five of them left soon after, searching the halls for their class. Sirius pulled out the schedule six times while they looked just to make sure they were actually going to the right classroom.

In the end, Peter was the one to point it out when they found the classroom. They'd wound up finding it just in the nick of time too, right when the bell rang to go to classes.

Their first class was charms class and they all sat next to each other on the top row of seats, the professor wanted them to fill in from the top.

Throughout the past week they had been studying the spell Wingardium Leviosa and today was the day they got to preform the spell.

Remus and Y/n (surprisingly) got the feather to float first.

Remus was grinning himself silly.

He went to give her a high-five, and she flinched.

She didn't know why, well actually she would be lying to herself if she said she didn't know why, but she still flinched and shrink back into herself.

Remus saw, and pulled his hand down, the smile dropping off his face quickly. He reached for her hand and held it up to his, " Look, look, it's just a high-five Y/n. People do it to congratulate each other. I wasn't going to hit you or anything."

Remus was young and dumb then, as they all were, and didn't understand what her reactions meant. They confused him. Why would anyone flinch at a high-five?

(this is where I took a break to stop editing so I'm sorry if you catch and read this while I'm away)

After charms we had potions with Prof. Slughorn, transfiguration with Prof. McGonagall, History of Magic with some professor dude etc.
Eventually we had lunch break and went back to classes. When we had completed classes for the day we all gathered in the boys dorm room to work on homework. Remus and I ended up lending the others our notes to copy off of then, we walked down to the library to get a few books for light reading and to study off of.

Remus and I ended up studying there and helping the other three study in the library as well. James and Sirius sitting in arm chairs doing their work, Peter on the couch in between them, Remus on the couch and I was in a tiny corner made by the couch and shelf connecting. I sat there reading after I had completed my work and eventually Remus and the others sat in the corner with me. Us all creating a small human oval in the small space. I eventually fell asleep on Remus's shoulder and Remus fell asleep with his head atop of mine. James had to shake us awake and Sirius was sniggering silently .

This is the regular day of school for us just, occasionally we pull pranks and get away with them and sometimes we go outside to the black lake on break.
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