Year four; Chapter three

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Remus's P.o.V.

I opened my eyes to see a mixture of Y/n's hair and sunlight. Y/n looked up from her spot on me and squinted. " g'morning Remus." She punctuated the sentence with a wide, tired yawn. I yawned before sitting up and facing her. " g'morning beautiful." She looked at me with a lopsided smirk and I suddenly realized what I had said, turned my head away so she couldn't see my flushed face.

After my face returned to normal I rubbed the back of my neck and looked over at her. She nodded before stretching her arms above her head and yawning. Oh Merlin. The shirt I had leant her moved up a bit and exposed part of her stomach and the sleeve fell off her shoulder henceforth exposing her bra strap. I quietly exhaled and moved my head to the side looking away from my best friend.

After a minute or two of silence I looked up and saw Y/n holding her hand out to me, apparently she was getting dressed while I stared at the wall. Her h/c hair was now normal looking and she was no longer wearing my shirt. I took her outstretched hand and pulled myself up. Once I got up I stretched my arms out before giving her a soft morning smile. She put her hand on my shoulder and unexpectedly pulled me into a hug which I almost immediately returned.

" thank you." Were the words she said, and I immediately understood why.
" you're welcome." She held the embrace for a few more moments before dropping it and looking at my face. While bursting into giggles she walked over to my trunk and pulled a shirt out before looking at me and bursting into giggles even more. Through the fit of giggles she managed to throw me the shirt and say, " Pu- put your shir- shirt on Re- Remus."

My face flushed with embarrassment before I grabbed the shirt and pulled it over my head. After making her stand in the corner while I changed we made our way downstairs. Surprisingly she never questioned the scars on my chest but only gave me a knowing look. Once we reached floor level Y/n dragged me over to the kitchen for something to eat. We walked into James mum and our half made lunch.

" Hello dears. James told me you might take a while to get down here. It's almost lunch time so just take some toast or something to eat for a light breakfast and the boys are out back playing a game." We nodded, thanked her and I grabbed us something to eat. Y/n munched on her second piece of toast while we were attempting to find our way outside.

" So, Y/n, I never got around to asking you about your summer, did I? How was it, before you came here, I mean?" I looked over at her and she turned rigid before looking down to the ground. She took another piece of toast and continued walking down the hall in silence. Did I upset her? I didn't want the conversation to turn awkward or anything and I didn't want to push her into answering either so, " Y/n if you don't want to tell me, I mean, I'll understand so don't worry about it. I mean it was your summer so it's also your choice-"

Y/n shook her head and looked back up at me, (although she didn't really have to look up at me. Her head came up to my shoulder.)

" No, Remus don't worry I was just thinking about how to word my explanation. Honestly it wasn't very fun or exciting really, all I did was clean, cook, walk, help mother with ministry crap, renovate the house, go to a bunch of mothers 'office party's', buy groceries and tutor some kids. Boring really. What about you? How was your summer Remus? I hope your transformations didn't affect you too much." Wait what.

No, what was that.

I stopped walking and got slightly angered and worried. Mostly angered though. I looked over at Y/n and glared at her before roughly snatching her wrist and yanking her into a nearby room, locking the door and slamming her against it roughly. My right hand still clamped tightly around her wrist, my left arm against the door above her head. Her eyes went fearfully wide. My voice came out with a rough, harsh and low demeanor.

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