Year five; Chapter seven

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" No no Remus love you're doing it wrong."

Y/n giggled when Remus started to hug her from behind instead of mixing the cookie batter.

" Can you two stop kissing and make us some lunchhhhhhh, Jamal and I are hungry."

Y/n turned to look at the little boy standing by her feet tugging on her shirt. She gently turned around in Remus's grasp and grabbed his jaw lightly, " I'm going to make some sandwiches for them, how about you work on making their cookies."

The boy begrudgingly let go of her waist and dipped down to kiss her again before she was dragged off by a little child wanting lunch.

Y/n stood at the table making sandwiches for them all while Remus stood by the counter making the kids cookies on a pan, inserting it into the oven.

After he'd finished doing that, he left to help
Y/n gather glasses for juice.

As she was slicing the sandwiches in triangles he heard her ask, " Can I ask you a question Remus?"

The boy turned around and nodded before he went and placed the four cups on the table, moving over to grab the jug of juice from the fridge.

" Why did I wake up in the hospital wing? I could've sworn I fell asleep in you guy's room and I woke up in the hospital wing at school. Pomfrey said I'd been out for a month but I don't even remember getting hurt."

The boy almost lost his grip on the cup he'd been pouring juice into at her words.

" Wait- You, You don't remember what happened?"

He watched as she shook her head and winced, bringing a hand up to her head before moving back to slicing the sandwiches, bring them over and setting the plates down by where the children sat as Remus brought their juice.

After she'd made sure they were fine and secure she moved and walked back over to the kitchen, sitting in the chair beside Remus's while the boy sat dumbfounded.

He stared at the girl as she peered over at him through her lashes and watched as she began to eat her sandwich, gently pushing Remus's plate towards him.

" Eat Remus, you look like a stick. And no, I don't remember what happened. The last thing I remember fully is being in your room, doing homework, then it got fuzzy, then I fell asleep. Madam Pomfrey told me I should remember everything in three days time and Professor Dumbledore told me that I would be staying at your house after he dropped me off here. I don't understand why I wouldn't just be allowed to stay at home with my mum and dad though."

She looked over to see Remus scarfing down the food on his plate and she internally frowned.

Remus looked up at her and scowled.

" Y/n your mother and father abused you your entire life, why would you want to go back?"

Her eyes widened and she quickly began to pull off her jacket and shirt, looking at healing, scarred, skin covering her abdomen.

" Is that where I got all these scars from?"

Remus almost choked on his air at the sight of her uncovered skin. Where burn marks and bruises, knife wounds and engravings used to lay laid healed skin. Of course there were scars where some things would forever stay but they weren't puffed up and red like before, they looked like a part of her skin. Like birthmarks.

Remus quickly turned and grabbed Y/n's shirt from the floor and tossed it in her lap. " How about you put a shirt on and stop joking around Y/n."

The teenage girl made slow movements to pull the shirt over her head before looking over to her boyfriend. She looked personally offended at the fact that he'd thought she was joking.

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