Year five; Chapter ten

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A car.

A field.

A topic.

A smack.

A collage of bruises now formed.

A random lady.

An aunt.

And a policeman.

" That was wicked mum!"

" Yeah, who says I can't be fun? Look at what we just did Y/n!"

Candace turned and started down the dirt path only miles away from their house. Y/n started shuffling through the stack of cards in her grip.

Elton John.

Paul McCartney.

John Lennon.

Candace glanced over at the trading cards in her nieces grip and grinned at her, a twinkle in her eye that Y/n hadn't seen in forever.

Candy snickered and plucked the cards from her hands, shuffling through them as she steered the car, before she handed them back and turned a corner. Y/n looked around at their surroundings, empty fields for miles and a distant farmhouse.

The giddy carefree grins that had previously been spread across both of their faces soon left their forms as they took in the house. It was white, the paint chipped and peeling, the shudders were baby blue, her mother's favorite color, the roof was a deep green, her father's favorite. The house was big but not big at all. Simply big from the outside, one of those older houses where it had less rooms but more room at the same time.

Y/n missed the house, but didn't miss the man in it.

She started to tap the older woman's forearm.

" Mum, mum turn around. I don't wanna go here..."

Her eyes stayed glued to the house as Candace sped past it, leading by as she turned down another road in the chorus of fields.

" I'm sorry kid, my mind wasn't in the right space. Doesn't your friend live somewhere over here? The Potter kid?"

The smile soon began to creep back up over her face as the distant sight of his house came up and upon them.

" Yeah, yeah mum James lives over here."

Candace looked over at the giddy smile on her face and smirked.

" You wanna go drop in for a visit?"

Her voice was mischievous. Y/n could just hear the smirk in her voice.

Soon the two found themselves by the side of the road, the car parked as they leant against the side of it. James came jogging out of the house and smiled at the sight of Y/n before he came up and crushed her body in a hug and spun her around. Then, he saw the older woman behind her and frowned before realization crossed his face and he scowled at her, pulling Y/n's body out and behind his, pushing her backwards.

He kept a protective position over her while slowly backing away.

" Get away from Y/n."

" James- James what the hell are you doing?"

His head whipped around as quick as a bolt, his arms still over her. He scowled at her, his face passive.

" Y/n she's your mum, she hits you. What do you mean, 'what are you doing'?"

Y/n leaned up and swiftly ducked under his arms, moving back towards the car where her aunt stood, face a mask of sadness.

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