Year four; Chapter six

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Two weeks later


" Y/n wake up."
"I don't wannnnnna, five more minutessss."
" No, Y/n the boys are up and waiting for you outside the door you have to get up."

She got up in a rush, throwing on her shirt and stocking, skirt and tie, cloak and shoes before grabbing her bag, wand and hairbrush and doing her hair in a messy bun and pulling her wand in the top to stay. There's no time to do your hair if the boys are up before you.

Just then one of them opened the door and beckoned for her to come. She grabbed Remus' outstretched hand and let him pull her down to stairs before they stopped at the bottom and he had to grab her waist to stop her from falling over.

" Your hair looks cute.

" Y'know Kayla only told you we were outside the door to make you wake up. It's an hour after your normal wake up time and it kinda shook her to see you asleep so she told me to stand outside the door and pretend we were going somewhere. But uh, we're just going to visit the dorm room and do something while we wait for the others to get up. Unless you want to head off to breakfast early?"

She stood at the bottom of the girls dorm stairs in shock.

" I'll take that as a yes Remus let's go to the dorm."

He had to come back and tap her nose before she took his hand and went up the stairs with him. Once at the Mauraders dorm room they sat on his bed. He sat  down against the bed frame after pulling his shoes and bag off while Y/n did the same, add on taking her hair down as well. Remus stretched out against the pillows and spread his legs apart before beckoning Y/n foreword. She moved and lay between his legs, head on his chest and he shifted a little before pulling a  blanket up on them and wrapping her up in his embrace.

This wouldn't be the first time they'd slept together on his bed after all.


" Oh James do you see it? Do you Do you?"
" Yes Padfoot I see it."
" They're sleeping together again aren't they boys."
" Yes indeed wormtail."
" Prongs they look exceptionally adorable today, we should capture this moment in a moving picture."
" Yes Padfoot we should. What about you wormy? What'dya think."
" I already have my camera."

He held up a camera to James's face and he gently grabbed it before placing a kiss atop it. " Ah, we praise you great camera."
He walked over to the pair of friends and beckoned the other two forewords.
" Padfoot which position do you think they slept in this time?"
" I do not know James. I do not know."
" Guys stop making it sound so dirty. You know we haven't slept together that way yet. So shut up and if you're gonna take a picture hurry up before I smack you."
"Sorryyyyy Moony."
" what're you doing guys?"

Remus pulled the girl back to his chest and started to thread his fingers through her hair. "They're just being assholes Y/n. Try to go back to sleep. You're probably tired from doing all the work for McGonagall last night."

Y/n yawned pointedly and nuzzled her head back into his chest, balling his flannel shirt in her fist and her leg wrapped around one of his longer ones. Remus started to softly thread his fingers through her scalp while looking down at her arm. Their chests were pressed together and their body's were so close he was thoroughly surprised that they weren't glued.

Of course he didn't mind their close proximity, he never did. And on full moons he found himself craving her closeness for reasons that only Moony could understand. The other Mauraders liked to joke around and say that the two were dating quite often. Of course neither of them objected to the suggestive content.

The boys grabbed the camera again and took a picture while Remus had his eyes closed. They then proceeded to shake their heads, place the pictures on his bedside table, and left for breakfast. Sirius of course was the one who stayed behind to put the pictures up before he left, not before crouching down beside Y/n and checking her open arm, before going.

Today was the day before they left home for Christmas and they had no classes. Padfoot was going to spend the Christmas at Prongs' home, Vixen was crashing at Moonys home and Wormtail was requested to visit his family for the Christmas time this year. Under normal circumstances they would all just stay at Hogwarts for Christmas but James's, Peters and Remus' parents had invited them home. Of course they couldn't just leave Padfoot and Vixen at Hogwarts alone so they decided to bring them along. Besides, Remus's parents wanted to know who this girl was, Remus could never stop talking about her at home and it was starting to make his parents and siblings curious.

Eventually Y/n and Remus woke up again and saw the boys packing for Christmas.

She raised her head and tried to sit up only to find herself on Remus's lap. Said boy sat up and wrapped an arm around her waist before nuzzling his head in her neck. She didn't push him away, only placed a hand on his mid/upper thigh to keep her up, making Remus's body wrack with shivers.

" James what time is it?" Said boys head snapped to the girl and he grinned.
" Lunch time. You two lovebirds slept through most of the day and McGonagall asked where her favorite Mauraders were. Wanna know what we told her?" Remus's voice came out muffled from Y/n's neck.
" I swear James if you told her something dirty I'll kill you." James held up his hands in surrender and shrunk down a bit at the sharp glare being sent to him through Y/n's curtain of hair.

Peters head popped up from beside his bed on the floor and stared right at Remus as he spoke. " James told McGonagall that you and
Y/n were being couple-y and had been napping together after shagging all night. McGonagall said she would ask you two herself."
James looked over at Peter in horror,

Remus pulled away from Y/n and she hopped out of his lap before dangling her legs over the edge of his bed. " Hey Y/n you don't mind standing outside while I kill James do you?"
She grinned and nodded before stepping out the door. " Actually Rem, I have to finish packing so Im gonna go back to Kayla before coming back up here to take you guys to lunch. Enjoy killing James." She smiled at him devilishly before shutting the door behind herself.


Once the girl had left Remus turned his attention to James and let's just say,

James regretted ever letting that crude sentence leave his mouth.


Yooooo Remus better watch his tongue and the words he speaks. If you throughly read this you should understand what I mean. Yet, you might not of done so.

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