Year five; Chapter one

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" Mummy?"

" Yes?"

" I wanna be a boy."

" Oh- dear are you sure?"

" Yeah, I don't like being a girl. Being a boy sounds much better to me."

" Oh, Ok dear. What, what would you like your name to be? If you could make it a boys name."

" Ky."

Who put the baby in charge

" The sofa then the stairwell my child."

It's already hard,
To buy all the parts

" No no, you missed a spot."

Who put,

" yes ma'am..."

The world on my back and not in my hands,

" You're not done."

Just give me a chance,

" Yes ma'am..."

I listen to my momma,
Listen to my dad,

" Sweep next or no bed again tonight."

Everybody answers shit I didn't ask,

" Yes madam."

Think I'm reaching my limit...

" Can I exhale, for a minute?"

" Not until your work is done."

" Mum can Sirius and I go out to the field and play quidditch with the other kids for a bit before we leave for the station?"

" Yes James."

" Mum do you have anymore of your homemade biscuits left? Dad made me skip again."

" Yes my child."

" Okay Remus, this is the first time you'll be seeing your girlfriend. Wear something nice for a change please."

" Mare!"

" Your clothes are hanging on you."

" Yeah well who's fault is that Frank?"

Remus Lupin walked through platform 9 3/4, almost immediately spotting three of his best friends, James Potter, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. They all engulfed Remus in a hug that lasted for  what felt like a lifetime but had only been a minute.

Once they pulled apart, the group began to look around. " Where's Y/n at? Normally she's here before any of us."

James turned around, hands on his hips, and stared Remus and Sirius in their eyes, awkwardly saying, " I- I don't know... she never answered any of our letters so I don't know what happened either. Let's just, we should probably go put our stuff up before we go and finish looking for her."

Sirius glanced around at James and Remus toyed with a book in his hand.

" Okay fine. But the train leaves in ten so we'll have to be quick and thorough."

The group of boys set off to move their luggage into the Mauraders train compartment. Sirius could see the silhouette of a person through the doors glass and went to open the door, ready to kick somebody's ass out of their seat. But what he didn't expect was to see Y/n pulling one of Remus's sweaters on over her head when he opened the door.

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