Year one; Chapter three

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Y/n P.o.V.

One day while I was at lunch the mail owls came and I actually received something. A howler, Sirius had received something of the sort from his mum a few days ago. James, Sirius, Peter and Remus all looked me straight in the eye and told me to run. I got up and as quickly as I could I rushed to a concealed part of the castle then, the howler went off. It was the voice of my mother.

I silently whispered 'yes mother' before dropping to the floor and clamping my hand to my mouth to muffle the cries. I sat there on the floor silently crying for about five minutes before using the conceal spell, Anstiphamore (yes it's made up), to hide all evidence that I had cried to begin with. Before making my way back to the great hall to go to classes with the boys.

3rd person P.o.V.

Little did the girl know that a certain dusty brown haired boy had followed her and heard the entire conversation. Almost breaking down in tears as well.

Y/n P.o.V.
Once I re-entered the dining hall Remus went up to me and handed me my bag before we all started off for classes.
" So Y/n, what was it about?" James asked me quizzically. I tried to think of a good cover up for what really happened.
" It was just about that one day I got sick and missed a test. Nothing to worry about James." Andddd to finish it off I gave him a small smile. Only thing left is to see if he believed it.

" Whatever you say Y/n." James said before he, Sirius and Peter entered their class while Remus and I waved them goodbye. We had an advanced potion lesson together next. Once we entered the class Remus and I put our bags under the table and went to the back of the room to get our cauldrons before going back to the desk. I rolled up my sleeves and copied down the notes for today's lesson before listening and copying down Prof. Slughorns list of ingredients, steps and instructions for todays potion.

Near the end of the lesson Remus's hand slipped and he added too much Boomslang powder to the potion. I pointed it out to him and he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck before saying that he was too far into it to restart. Prof. Slughorn checked all of our potions at the end of the class and it turns out that Remus's little slip up caused me to get bunked up to top of the class.

After class Remus and I were readying our things so we could meet up with the others before going to our next class together. Right as we were walking out of the classroom Prof. Slughorn stopped us. " No, actually, Y/n, Professor Dumbledore needs you in his office before you go to your next class. You're free to leave Lupin." I looked at Remus and he told me he would copy down my notes for me until I got back.

Slughorn led me to Prof. Dumbledores' office where I sat anxiously in an armchair waiting for him to come in. Slughorn left after Dumbledore came in. When he sat down at his desk I started to play with the hem of my skirt, waiting for him to start the conversation.

After ze' meeting.

" I also need to know the makings of your spell. All of the teachers will be informed of your situation so they know what not to do and what to do around you."

I nodded my head in silence before grabbing a quill and piece of parchment and writing out and drawing how to use the spell  Anstiphamore. I packed up my quill, left the parchment on his desk, quietly thanked him and left. Instead of going off to class I went to Myrtle's bathroom and sat on the floor silently crying while Myrtle comforted me.

Surprisingly enough Myrtle and I had actually become pretty close over my time here. Probably because I'm one of the few people who comes and sees her often.

After I finished tearing my eyes out, I left for my next class and met up with the boys on the way. Remus looked at my questioningly and pointed at my eyes before I understood what he meant and preformed the spell to cover it up and make my puffy eyes look as though I hadn't cried to begin with.

Sirius spoke up once he saw me.
" Hey Y/n, I know Slughorn wanted to see you after his class but I didn't expect it to last a full two periods." I looked at Remus and silently mouthed 'thank-you' before he hung back and waited for me to catch up. " So what did he need you for?" I explained that he needed to see me because of my grades while Remus handed me the work I missed. Which was only notes...

" Hey, Remus didn't I miss a few essay papers and a test or two?" I asked him while placing the notes in my bag. Before, sitting down at the desk that I share with Remus. " Well that's what I thought too but they just said you were excused from them." I was about to respond to him when the class started.
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