Year five; Chapter eleven

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A/N: This chapter is going to be confusing and it might not make entire sense so if you would like me to clarify anything then just say so.


" Why's there blood on the floor?"

Her voice sounded so hesitant.

" Y/n get out of the room."

" Tell me why there's blood on the floor."

" No."

Now, you might be thinking, "Hey Remus, when did you get here?" Or, " Hey Remus, why are you stopping? I need to know."

But either way, I can answer those if we just rewind for a bit.


James pulled the car to a stop and Sirius stood, leaning his elbow atop the vehicle's roof.

I hesitantly opened the back door and ducked my head under to exit. Peter got out after me.

James turned and looked at me from his position against the car, his lips pursed and his eyes lay quizzical and sympathetic as he gazed at me.

I slipped the small box into my pocket and shut the door, walking up to the steps of the house.

Third Person

Oh, tie a yellow ribbon 'round the old oak tree

It's been three long years, do you still want me?

If I don't see a ribbon 'round the old oak tree

I'll stay on the bus, forget about us, put the blame on me

" This was auntie's favorite song y'know."

F/n stood up from his seat on the couch and moved over to the record player, crouching down and sifting through sleeves of vinyl records on the lower shelf until he found one.

He turned and grinned over at Y/n, holding the sleeve up for her to see.

Happy Together, The Turtles

Y/n gasped and moved forward quickly, gently taking the record from his hands as she replaced 'Tie a Yellow Ribbon' with 'Happy Together'.

" Don't you remember when mum used to play this and make me and Liz dance with her?"

Her face was soft and gentle as she looked over at him, much softer than it had been the past few days. F/n missed that innocent look to her face and the meager easiness to her eyes.

He stood back up and gave Y/n a smile, before images of her clouded his vision.

The insert, that one bloody insert was the cause of these nightmares.

F/n had managed to rid himself of the terrors years before but ever since that stupid passage they never stopped.

All he could ever think about when he saw her, when she looked over at him and when they hung out during the day, all he ever saw were images of deep crimson blood dripping from his daughters skin to her carpet below.

All it took was one measly diary insert to trigger the old memories.

" Yeah, I always loved those nights..."

However, a knock on the door quickly snapped the two of them out of their trance.

Y/n turned and ruffled her hair, awkwardly moving towards the door.

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