Year four; Chapter five

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Remus's P.o.V.

I got up from bed and poured a glass of water, took it back to the bedside and slipped on it slowly before I saw Sirius coming back into the dorm. " And where were you at?"

He jumped slightly when he heard my voice then turned towards me. I caught a whiff of Y/n's shampoo as Sirius came nearer. Gasping lightly I made an unreadable face. Sirius noticing my reaction started stammering and waving his arms dismissively. " No, No Remus don't go and start jumping to conclusions."

I walked up to him quietly before defiantly pointing my finger at his face and saying in and angered whisper,
" Then, care to explain why I walked out of the bathroom to see Y/n laying with you, with your shirt on at 2:30 IN THE MORNING!? HER SHIRT AND BRA LAYING ON THE FLOOR BESIDE THE BED?!"

By then my voice was at a high, angry whisper. He crossed his arms and looked defiantly at the floor. "shit" I took that as my cue to go to bed.

James, Sirius, Peter and I walked down from the dorm to find Y/n peacefully dozing on the common room couch, waiting for us. While walking by the couch I slid an arm under her forearm and tugged on her arm, gently. She woke up and I grabbed her bag, handing it to her. She looks so cute when she's sleepy and yawning. I'm not allowed to think this. She's with Sirius.

We all walked to breakfast together chatting about prank ideas for this year. Y/n suggested we prank Lucius Malfoy first this year so we all started ideas. Once we got onto the great hall to eat Prof. McGonagall gave us all our schedules. We have every class together except two where Y/n and I have advanced History and something else.

I watched Y/n's facial expressions and smirked when I saw her reading the time table " Oh No. Come ON! DOUBLE POTIONS?! UGhhhhhhhhhhhh. AND For first period. THEN we have double History of magic after Lunch!" We all sniggered when we saw Y/n dramatically fall backwards. Her upper body dramatically sprawled on the floor and her lower body on the bench keeping herself from falling on the floor.

" Your such a drama queen Y/n" Sirius exclaimed towards her. She pulled herself off the floor while I placed my hand on the small of her back to help her before she stole Sirius's toast.  "Speak for yourself.." she quietly muttered beneath her breath. James and I quickly turned our snickering into hacking coughs before Sirius killed us.

We had to make the draught of peace in Slughorns class. Y/n and I successfully made it and handed ours over to slughorn before he gave a small vial of it to to each of us to keep.

Severus left his cauldron to find a few missing ingredients and Sirius and James took it as their cue to sabotage his potion. In the end Slughorn gave them both detentions, again. Then, we left for Transfiguration.

Finally it was lunch time and we could eat. The boys and I scarfed down our food while Y/n barely touched hers. I wonder what's up. She normally acts like the less animal-like version of us when it comes to lunch. Sirius noticed too apparently before grabbing an apple and sticking it in Y/n's face. " Eat or I'll take your sweets stash away. You can't just live off of it y'know." She took the apple and growled at Sirius.

" You wouldn't be able to take it away anyways. Remus already did." She turned and faced me a slight glare and growl forming. Then, she grouchily crunched into the apple, threw her bag over her shoulder and stalked off. I leaned back and watched her disappear down the corridor, apple in hand.

" What's with her today?"

" No clue James. No clue."


Y/n's P.o.V.

I sat in the windowsill of a hallway close to next class while munching on the apple. All of a sudden one of the schools owls came to me and dropped a letter in my lap before swooping away. Excuse me Two letters.

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