Year four; Chapter one

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And before anybody mentions it, I KNoW I put Year Four, I purposely skipped year two because this is kinda better for the plot

Y/n's P.o.V.
I was sitting on my bed attempting to fix an older wound which had just re-opened when a large tawny owl flew in threw my window, dropped off one of the four letters in it's grasp and set itself on my desk. Soon realizing that the owl was waiting for my return letter, I wrapped a rag around the wound and opened the letter over at the desk.

Dear Y/n,
I know that it's kind've late in the summer. Only a month left until we go back, time fly's quick right? Well, back to my point I'm inviting you, Sirius, Remus and Peter over to my house for the rest of the summer. Welllllll, if you say yes then, my dad will pick you up by flu in an hour. If your mum lets you come then send a letter saying so.

With Love,
Your favorite Maurader,

I smiled at the thought of being able to leave this hell hole. Mother had been trying to find a way to get rid of me until next year so, this is perfect. I'll just go downstairs and tell her my friends dad is going to pick me up later. I held out a finger telling the owl to wait before going downstairs into my mothers bedroom.

"Mother. My friend wants to know if you'll allow me to stay over at his house for the rest of summer break and he also said that if you said yes then, his father would arrive here by flu in an hours time." She looked up from her desk and grimaced at me, moving her eyes up and down my body. Her boyfriend was at work currently and her husband was on a two month ministry meeting or something. She pursed her lips,

"Well, if you can clean yourself and the living room in time for his arrival then, yes, if you can't then no." I nodded my head before leaving the room and quietly shutting the door. She already yelled at me earlier so I don't think she has anymore need to fulfill this hour. I went back up the stairs wrote a quick reply, gave it to the owl and he left.

Then, I went back downstairs, and started making sure there were no traces of alcohol or blood. After that, I started straightening and cleaning up the living room area before going back up to my room, re-sealing the wound, putting cleaner clothes on and packing my things. I grabbed my little black kitten, trunk and wand before shuffling down the stairs.

I placed the things on the living room carpet before checking the wall-clock.

Five-minutes. Tick-tok...
Four minutes

Mother came down...
Three minutes
Two minutes.

And suddenly, in a puff of green smoke, Mr. Potter emerged from within the fireplace. Mother and I stood up. I waved eagerly behind mother's back. He waved back. " Hello, we didn't quite have a exemplary introduction yet. I'm Fleamont Potter. James's dad. You've probably heard all about James and the rest of the boys from Y/n?"

Mother stood stiff as a stick and looked down at me, ignoring Mr. Potter. " Don't get into trouble, don't spend any money, don't owl me, my boyfriend or husband unless you wish to return home. Goodbye." She said without looking at me, straight at the mantle. I muttered a quick goodbye before taking some powder off the mantle, standing in the fire and flu-ing to James's home. Mr. Potter came only a minute after me.

"Your mothers not very nice is she Y/n?" I shook my head before Sirius and James showed up. Immediately I was engulfed in a hug from James and I laughed lightly. After James let me go Sirius engulfed me in a hug, spinning me in slightly. Once  we broke the embrace he placed his hands on my shoulders and observed me.

His eyes were twinkling with brightness until he laid eyes on my arms which were littered with bruises. "Merlin, Y/n! I know you have iron deficiency but look at this!" I crossed my arms under my chest and sighed before shaking me head. " Well, whatever guys. Let's go up to my roommmm."

James grabbed our hands and started running ahead of us. He pulled us up many stairs and corridors. We reached a room bedecked in Gryffindor and quidditch with five, rather comfy looking, pallets on the floor, seven bean-bag chairs and three school trunks lined up against a wall. One of which was mine. " So how were your summers guys?" James asked as he sat on one of the chairs and munched on a chocolate bar.

Sirius and I sat on the chairs closest to his. Sirius rubbed the back of his neck and finger-combed his hair. " It was fine, I guess. All I really did was stay inside as help around the house." James's face turned into a grimace. " That must've been boring Sirius. I mean all you did was stay inside or did you have to stay inside because of your mum?" Sirius looked away.

Sirius nodded his head and then looked at me. " I mean mine wasn't much better than Sirius's. All I did was stay at home, clean, cook, buy groceries, tutor some kids and have to go through with my mothers many tiresome ministry dinners. Nun much. What bout you?" I stole some of James chocolate and started munching on it as I finished.

James looked at me in kinda rude shock.
I sighed in annoyance before giving him the look. That shut butthole up. Sirius looked back and forth between us.

" anyyywayyyyy. How was your summer James?" James chanced one last glance at me before cracking his signature grin. He launched into a full blown explanation about how Awsome his summer was and how much time he spent with his parents. For the sake of James I played a fake grin on my face while he spoke, hiding the pain beneath it.

In the middle of our little rest fest another trunk appeared beside mine on the wall. I walked over to it while the boys were still napping and checked the name tag on the trunk, R.J.L. Remus is here. A grin slowly made its way onto my face as I raced downstairs as quietly as I could.

I found Remus in the living room with James dad. I ran over to him and engulfed his lean figure in a hug. I felt him hug me back and slightly pick me up to make it more comfortable for him. We laughed a little once he put me down.
"You've gotten taller Remus." My head was only a few inches below his but he still was taller.

" Hey, you did too, y'know. Where are the others?" I cocked my head towards the stairs and he nodded. I held out my hand for him to take and started running up the stairs with him. I laughed at him once we reached James room, " Oi what was that for Y/n? I won't be able to breath anymore."

He clutched a stitch in his side and chest while looking at me skeptically. I took this moment to really look at him to see how much he'd changed. His face now had three more scars, his hair was slightly more ruffled and I could see some of his new muscles because of his short sleeves. I could tell he was looking at me too.

Probably at the scar running across my left cheek, over my nose and to the other side of my face. He moved his hand to my face and cupped my right cheek in his palm. Slowly, he moved my face around to observe the scar while leaning down slightly, squinting his eyes in some unreadable way. " What happened?" I shook my head and he took the hint.

He reached out his hand and I took it, leading the way to James's room. " This, is where we will be sleeping, staying, hanging out and having fun together." James and Sirius startled awake and fell off the bean-bag chairs before running over and engaging Remus in hugs. Peter came and we all hung out and played a bunch of games, napped, played games, napped some more. Eventually Mrs. Potter called us downstairs for dinner so, we had to go.

Its as good as Hogwarts food


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