Year four; Chapter ten

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It's the full moon in six days, I hope she made the potion right....

Four days, I can't feel any effects...

Three days...


"y/n, pretty sure the potion worked... but I can't find it in me to get out of bed... did slughorn say that was normal?"

Y/n leaned over Remus's half naked form while he placed his head in her lap and buried his face in her legs. She started threading her fingers in his hair and massaging the scalp as he groaned.
" he said the only thing that wouldn't go away was the sore limbs rem... you just have to push through it okay? Maybe a hot bath will help soothe your muscles."

The boy nodded his head before feebly attempted to sit up, only to fall straight back where she caught his body limp in her arms.

" Hey, Rem, just hold onto me okay, too much sudden movement will only make it worse for you." She pulled the boy's head up to her shoulder and he wrapped an arm around her waist while she did the same. Y/n started to inch herself off the bed and the boy followed her lead. When she finally got to the edge and stood, the boy's knees buckled and she had to pick his body up in her arms to keep him from crashing to the ground. He groaned out in pain and buried his nose in her neck.

" someone has muscles..."

Y/n carried Remus to the bathroom before kicking the door open and setting him down on the toilet lid. She got on her knees and started to prepare a bath for the boy while he sat on the toilet lid in grey joggers, eyes closed. " I'll step out while you get in, if you need help I can go get your mum, dad or Jamal in here to help you get in." The girl turned and figeted awkwardly with a lock of her hair.

" I have to go and grab your towel but when I get back I'll knock on the door first. But um, after that your mum, dad and the rest of them'll be out. If you need me just call for me or knock on the floor or wall, I'll hear it unless I'm too far away okay."

The boy sitting on the toilet seat nodded his head, eyes wide open. Remus slowly started to stand up, knees almost buckling, but he managed to stand and move over to the wall. " So if this potion works,' his breath hitched in the throat,
' I'll be able to control it tonight?"

" I know it'll work Rem."

The girl nodded and went to close the door, biting her lip, and yet again Remus wanted nothing more than to-

" I'll be in the living room or bedroom if you need me."

And she shut the door with a snap.

Y/n walked out of the room and took a
moment to calm her nerves.

All she could think about was why she couldn't help him with that last side effect, would the potion even work?

Am I not good enough?
Did I do something wrong?

But the biggest question rushing in and out of her brain was one she just couldn't brush off,

Is there something wrong with me?

The girl mentally came up with multiple answers to the question but she couldn't seem to sift through and find any good ones.

I mean, yeah, there are plenty of things wrong with me. I could rattle off more than a dozen right here and now.

But what does that have to do with helping Remus?

What does it matter with helping Remus, just focus on calming yourself down now.

Uh, no, she needs to help.

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