Year five; Chapter two

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James no longer cared about the surrounding boys in that moment, all his focus was one the female in his arms.

The boy was sobbing into her hair and constantly pulling her body closer to him and he leant back on his foot.

He didn't care.

James didn't care that Sirius had placed his hand on James's shoulder. He didn't care that the door to the dorm was open and a small second year boy had been staring at him, James simply didn't care about anything other than the female in his arms.

Everything else was nonexistent and all he could feel, see and hear was his sister.

He, He didn't care that there was still far too much to fix in their relationship before he would be aloud to call her his family again because all he cared about was the fact that he could hold his baby sister in his arms again.

He had her back.

And James wouldn't let anything take her away from him after that.
Y/n L/n ended up sleeping in bed with James Potter that night and when she awoke he still wouldn't let her go

When she did awake though, the boys were still wary of her.

" Y/n we're not going to pry but why were you such a jackass before?"

The girl's face paled and she diverted her eyes from their faces, instead choosing to look out to window.

" Family stuff."

James looked back over to her as Sirius walked to where she had been standing, engulfing her in a hug that hurt her already bruised hips and waist. Remus, who had already been used to noticing her small unnoticeable action's noticed her wince as Sirius placed pressure on her hips/waist during the hug. He saw how she plastered on a smile through the pain and how she flinched even more when Sirius hoisted her up to get a better height advantage.

" Welcome back sis..."


" You're going to the game with us later right Y/n?"

The girl nodded discreetly, not taking her eyes off the goblet of gillywater before her. James reached over and lightly fisted at her long-sleeved shirt. " Why don't you put on something different, it'll be hot outside N/n."

There it was again.

His use of the nickname. His concern that she would overheat.

And there she was again.

Remus Lupin wasn't the type to not notice things. So when Y/n said she had simply been cold, he knew something was up.
Y/n was normally rather warm and even when she were cold she never wore long sleeves, only a cloak, a black cloak and her shirt. But never long sleeves.

He knew something was up.

And Remus Lupin would get to the bottom of it.

After James and Sirius had broken off from the group to get in uniform Remus noticed Y/n's breathing shorten multiple beats.

And how she tried to hide it.

Later on in the game Remus noticed her rather subtle flinches when noise increased and how the grip on her left arm increased. Eventually Remus had leant over and lightly grasped her arm, taking it off of the other, and whispered in her ear, " Remember to breath love."

" Hi Liz, I don't think my friends still want to meet you..."

She sunk down and placed the flowers into the vase beside her gravestone, sitting next it.

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