Year one; Chapter four

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3rd person P.o.V.

It was with heavy hearts that the group set foot onto onto the platform. After finding a compartment the taller boys stored their things on the luggage racks before helping the other two.

The tension in the air wasn't awkward but sorrowful. " Don't worry guys. Hopefully dad can get you guys over at the house too."

James said while placing a hand comfortingly on his friends shoulder. A small echo of 'yeahs' shadowed his comment. As they sat down in the compartment the brown haired boy pulled out a book and sat against the window while the h/c haired girl pulled out a sheet of paper, clipboard and pencil.

" What's that Y/n?" James asked the girl. She held up a finger as if saying 'hold on a minute'. After scribbling down a sentence to two she looked back up to the boys who had eyes on her.

" Paper, clipboard and pencil. What muggles use to send letters. My fathers a muggle so I didn't want to confuse him by sending parchment and an owl." They nodded their heads in sync before going back to what they were originally doing.

The girl finished her work and pulled an envelope out of her bag before folding the paper, sticking it in the envelope and sealing it. Then, she placed it back in her bag. " So, wanna play a game?" They stopped their flat conversations and nodded their heads at the girl.

Soon the trolly witch came along and the boys bought their lunch's, James buying Y/n's. After eating their food the children went back to the game and soon realized that Y/n's muggle games weren't to joke for.

" Okay okay okay my pink hair isn't that funny guys. It's funny but not that funny. Y/n your turn. Truth or dare?" Said James. The girl took a few seconds to think before answering, Dare. " Okay, you mentioned singing before and we've never heard you sing before so. I dare you to sing that song you were humming earlier." His face played a wicked grin.

Y/n P.o.V.

"Oh no James, no I don't- I don't sing around people."
James smirked and this gave me a cocky grin while pushing his glasses up.
" Dares a dare Y/n. You said it yourself." I did say that. " But James. Oh come onnnnnn that songs personal." He looked at me while Sirius and Peter watched, Remus finally put his book down.
We had a staring contest and somehow James won. " ughhhh fine. You win James fine."

I took a minute to get mentally prepared. I never sing this song around people, it makes me emotional just thinking about her.

Hands, put your empty hands in mine
And scars, show me all the scars you hide
And hey, if your wings are broken
Please take mine so yours can open too
'Cause I'm gonna stand by you
Oh, tears make kaleidoscopes in your eyes
And hurt, I know you're hurting, but so am I
And love, if your wings are broken
Borrow mine so yours can open too
'Cause I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we're breaking down, we can find a way to break through
Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through hell with you
Love, you're not alone, 'cause I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we can't find heaven, I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through hell with you
Love, you're not alone, 'cause I'm gonna stand by you
Yeah, you're all I never knew I needed
And the heart, sometimes it's unclear why it's beating
And love, if your wings are broken
We can brave through those emotions too
'Cause I'm gonna stand by you
Oh, truth, I guess truth is what you believe in
And faith, I think faith is helping to reason
No, no, no, love, if your wings are broken
Borrow mine so yours can open too
'Cause I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we're breaking down, we can find a way to break through
Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through hell with you
Love, you're not alone, 'cause I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we can't find heaven, I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through hell with you
Love, you're not alone, 'cause I'm gonna stand by you
I'll be your eyes when yours can't shine
I'll be your arms, I'll be your steady satellite
And when you can't rise, well, I'll cry with you on hands and knees
'Cause I
(I'm gonna stand by you)
Even if we're breaking down, we can find a way to break through (come on)
Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through hell with you
Love, you're not alone, 'cause I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we can't find heaven, I'm gonna stand by you
Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through hell with you
Love, you're not alone, 'cause I'm gonna stand by you
Love, you're not alone
No, I'm gonna stand by you
(Even if we can't find heaven, heaven, heaven)
I'm gonna stand by you

My voice wasn't loud, it wasn't normal level either. Higher than a whisper but lower than normal conversation level. By the time I finished I had to wipe a tear from my eye.

" Why are you crying Y/n? It was great. And how come you said it was personal? Not trying to be nosy."
I shook my head before answering.

" My sister used to sing me to sleep with it. Before my mother was brutally murdered before our eyes and I was thrown into foster care. She stopped after that. You guys would get along swimmingly with her. She would like you guys."

My voice wavered slightly. The boys stayed silent for a few minutes before James brought up the topic of my sister, Elizabeth, James leaned forward, his elbows propped on his knees, " Great! So, when do you expect we can meet her?" I smiled sadly before looking at the ground and saying, " You'll meet her someday James. I'll introduce you guys to her and everything. We can talk with her all day too most likely." My voice came out soft and sadly. Eventually it was time to get off the train and to the platform.

Third person P.o.V.

Remus gave them all big hugs and introduced them to his parents before leaving, Peter too. After dropping his things off by his father James left to help Sirius and Y/n look for their parental beings. By then most families had gone leaving almost no one left on the platform.

" So, Y/n, Sirius, see any parent of yours around? If you don't my dad can give you two a lift." Sirius looked at the raven haired boy before smiling and accepting the offer. Y/n, however just sat on her trunk, stretched her legs out and crossed her ankles.

" Nah. Mother's never on time for anything. She'll be here within fifteen-thirty minutes. If not by then then I'll just go and wait by the leaky cauldron because she'd be caught up in a meeting." James looked skeptically at the girl before slowly nodding his head.

" Well, I'm sure we can stay out here and wait with you." The voice of Fleamont Potter came out to them as the children turned their heads back to look at him. They all sat down on benches near the girl while waiting for for her mother to show up. After waiting around for twenty minutes the girl checked her watch, held up her right hand and put down a finger as she said,


" Two,

" And she's here."

They suddenly heard a popping noise and a woman with black hair clad in black blouse, pants, cloak and black briefcase came walking over to them. Another popping noise sounded and a man who looked as if just came back from an upsetting meeting appeared to the right of the woman. The look on her face made her seem as if someone had placed a dung-bomb under her nose. Y/n stood up abruptly and shuffled her trunk around.

" Y/n."

" Mother, Father."

Her gaze shifted from Y/n to the two boys and the man of whom she had been sitting with. " And who are these, charming, young people you were sitting with?" It was obvious she didn't want her sitting with them.

" Mother, these people are my friends. James Potter, Sirius Black and this is James dad." She was stiff when she said these words as if she didn't want to. Her mother simply smirked and checked her nails. " M'kay Y/n. Let's go." She murmured a quick and quite 'yes ma'am' before grabbing onto her things and grabbing onto her mother's shoulder.

Then, they disappeared with a 'Pop'. James, Sirius and Fleamont shared a look. Then, Sirius said, " Well, that was awkward." Mr. Potter nodded before grabbing the boys trunks and stowing them in the car. Sirius got into the car hoping to goodness his mother wouldn't kill him for showing up in a car with the Potters.

Him and James chatted away while waiting to get dropped off. As Mr. Potter brought the car to a stop Sirius got out sorrowfully. James gave him another tight hug before releasing him and watching him walk away, head hung low. It was as they were driving away when he had decided to bring them to his house, sometime, during the summer.
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