Year four; Chapter twelve

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The following applies to the current chapter:
F/n= First Name
M/n= Middle Name
L/n= Last Name

Triggering topics may occur this chapter

When Y/n watched Remus enter the parlor she knew something was off about him, she could tell by looking at his eyes and facial expression. Normally he was happy and calm, or sad and tired but once he walked into the ice cream place and took a seat beside the girl; he looked distant. As if he wasn't really there with them.

After the group finished their ice cream James decided they should go to the villages park. Which is where they are currently.

Sirius and James were laying on their backs counting clouds while Sirius occasionally flicked grass into James's hair, Remus was sitting against a pole reading and Y/n was simply sitting on a swing gently swaying.  The four of them stayed where they were for a good thirty minutes before another kid about a year older than them walked over and sat on the swing beside Y/n.

Sirius and James took no notice of this and continued where they were, Remus however looked over at the boy and glared something so sharp at him he'd be six feet under if glares could kill. The blond haired boy however didn't get the message that the glare oh so clearly stated and continued to attempt conversation with Y/n. Eventually he stood up and went to leaning against the pole which was placed beside the girl, giving him a rather perverted view of the her from above.

Remus attempted to go back to reading his book and block the boy out but he clearly couldn't do so while knowing that he was flirting with Y/n; he came up with a compromise. The boy decided he would read and keep an eye on the pair of teens. One of which was beginning to become rather uncomfortable.

One second the boy was inanimately chatting with Y/n and the next he was forcing himself onto her.

One second Remus was sitting down cross legged and the next second he was kicking a kid in the gut; making him go halfway across an abandoned park and away from where his best friend lay gasping for air in the clutches of Sirius Black.

Remus bent down and grasped a handful of the kids shirt before yanking him up onto his feet.

" Oh come on man we were just talking! And it's not like anyone else would wanna kiss the bitch!"

Remus landed another furious kick to the kids gut before he punched him across the face, which made him go flying backwards into the dirt again. He gripped the front of his shirt again and pulled him upwards once more, held him in mid air, and leaned forward so the boy could smell Remus's shampoo their faces were so close. He began to furiously whisper to the boy words that made all color drain from his face in seconds. The blonde haired kid managed to whimper out a single sentence after hearing Remus Lupin's furious, anger ridden death toll,
" It's not like we did anything other than kiss..."

Remus's face opted another disastrous look and he felt that he could've knocked the boy out right then for saying something so crude and immensely incorrect.

Now listen, Remus Lupin normally isn't a very violent person but when you not only impose yourself upon his best friend but also claim that you did no other harm and that you didn't do anything wrong; he won't hesitate to kick your fuckin ass.

and he'll do it good.

Just don't expect to get away before James Potter and Sirius Black both have a hit at you.


The kid managed to scramble away before the damage became too much to handle and by the time that was done Remus's knuckles and fists looked bruised and bloodied. James and Sirius's only had minor bruises and a few specks of blood.

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