Chapter 1

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"!Jungwon!!! up or else you will be late for school!!" Mrs.Yang shouted from downstairs.

"Yes mom coming!" Jungwon shouted back as he got up to get ready for school.

He took his uniform, did his morning routine, packed his backpack with the books he needed for the day and took a small bag. He sighed looking at the small bag, put it in his backpack and went down stairs. He saw his elder brother Heeseung who was adopted by the Yang's sitting on the couch typing something on his laptop

"Oh my dear brother good morning! How are you feeling??!" Heeseung said happily

"Good morning hyung, and I am great", Jungwon smiled back.

"Good morning mom and dad!" "Good morning dear" "Good morning ie", his parents greeted him.

He sat at the dining table and started eating his breakfast.

"Jungwon tomorrow evening you will be having your appointment with your doctor you know right?", his mother said as she slightly rubbed Jungwon's back.

"Yes mom hyung told me about that", he replied as he finished his bowl of cereal.

"Ok now I am going to school bye love you". Jungwon said as he headed towards the door.

"Bye we all love you too", his mother said.

"Yes and don't forget to take you meds!!", his father instructed him and he hummed in response and went out of the house.

Jungwon took the bus and reached school. His school was not that far away from his house but due to a condition he took the bus to school. He refused every time whenever his father or Heeseung asked him to send him to school in their cars. Jungwon hated this.

Why did he hate it? Jungwon was suffering from a heart disease called Atrial Septal Defect (hole in heart). Since childhood no one loved him besides his parents, brother and his three friends. Jungwon always wanted to be a singer but at the age of 5 he was told the condition of his heart. He loved playing guitar and singing but never really showed anyone his skills, only few people heard his heavenly voice. He was now 18 years old and he was going to have a very complicated surgery. Despite having such problems he always smiled and hated crying as he thought he didn't have much time left in this world so why waste it crying.

Speaking of his family, Heeseung was adopted by their parents when Jungwon was five. They thought that they wouldn't be able to protect Jungwon so they adopted Heeseung. No, they were not selfish but scared and worried about their child. Also Heeseung was an orphan who needed a family so they thought it would be great if they adopt Heeseung. They always loved Heeseung and Jungwon equally. Heeseung knew why he was adopted but he was more than happy that their parents loved them and he had a younger sibling which he wanted to protect till the end. Jungwon and Heeseung used to spend a lot of time together, they were inseparable. Heeseung loved writing songs along with his best friend Beomgyu.

This cheerful boy then entered the school gate only to get engulfed in a huge bear or I must say a huge puma hug by his childhood friend Niki. They have been friends since babies and went to the same kindergarten, middle school, now high school and soon they will be graduating together.

Niki was the only friend of his in their whole school. The younger one always hung out with him, sometimes he used to visit the doctor with him , they loved being with each other. They spent every season and every festival together. Niki always wanted Jungwon to feel like a normal person which Jungwon felt being with the younger. Niki used to take great care of Jungwon by asking him to take his pills on time to ask him if he is ok every now and then.

"Hey Jung, good morning" Niki broke the hug as he smiled at the older,

Jungwon smiled back ruffled Niki's hair and said "Hey baby nii good morning to you too"

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