Chapter 36

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(A/N - this chapter contains triggering stuffs like blood scenes and surgery scenes. If your aren't comfortable please skip. I will indicate once the triggering scenes ends.)

Jeonghan's POV

Trigger warning.

The anesthesiologist started the procedure. She first gave Jungwon an injection for him to get unconscious.

She placed the breathing tube in Jungwon’s mouth then slowly slid it down his throat reaching his lungs. It will help him to breathe normally during the surgery. She connected the tube to the ventilator. Jungwon was sent to deep sleep. He won't feel any pain

After a few minutes Dr. Finn arrived with his operating team.

"Dr. Yoon, is he someone close to you?" he asked me while we washed our hands.
I hummed and smiled. "He's like my younger brother. His family is my other family. When I was a newbie intern, I had to leave my hometown for studies so his family gave me all the love while I was away from my real family."

"Let's do it. He will be fine." he smiled and I returned.

We entered the OR. We wore our surgery gowns and tied it back, latex gloves, bouffant cap, mask, surgery shoes. Everyone was in their places. Equipment and the head nurse in her positions. We gathered around Jungwon. I was first so I stood in front of Dr. Finn. I looked at Jungwon’s pale face, hoping to see him smiling again.

"Let's start." Dr. Finn said and we all nodded
He applied the surgical scrub on Jungwon’s bare chest.

"Scalpel." he asked and the nurse followed. He made an incision in Jungwon’s chest. I helped him by controlling the blood flowing out.

"Bovie." I said and she gave that to me. I dissected the muscle.

"Sternal saw." He turned it on and cut the sternum. To open it wide I used a sternum retractor.

"Forcep, scissor, and be ready with gauze and suction." I said as I held the force in my left hand and scissor in right.

I grasped the pericardium with the forcep and slowly cut it open with the help of a scissor. As soon as I did, the blood abruptly flowed out. Dr. Finn used gauze and another doctor held the suction on the cut so that he won't lose blood. His blood was all over our gloves and even on our gown. Jungwon's heart was in our view now. It was beating fast. Blood was dripping out but was controllable with gauze.

"Forcep." he ordered and held the semilunar valves in it. Blood was blocking our sight to see the hole.

"Saline." Dr. Finn asked. We poured it and after a few moments we could clearly see it. It has really become wide. The valves were hiding it behind them. We need to be careful now.

"Dr. Yoon here, hold this." He handed the forcep to me.

"Patch." He put it carefully on the hole.

"Suture, stitch," he added. He was calm. Not wanting any more complications.

As soon as he tried to stitch the patch, blood flowed out again. His breathing increased. The ventilator pushed the oxygen inside him, still he wasn't stable. We tried to secure the blood by gauze but it didn't work. I was worried that the doctor would say, we need to do a bypass.

"Suction!" I commanded. I put it on the blood's source area. Still he wasn't normal
"He's losing blood. Fast we need blood!" Dr. Finn exclaimed as one nurse rushed out of the OR. I know his family will be worried now.

'Jungwon please please don't give up' I mumbled. He was like this for a few moments until the nurse returned with blood. He handed the blood to another nurse and she pricked Jungwon’s hand with an injection to allow the blood to flow in.
"Is his family worried?" I asked out of curiosity.

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