Chapter 8

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"Nii, do you know what they are all talking about!!? Jungwon asked him while he was sitting on his seat and Niki sitting on his desk.

"I think we have a new student in the middle of the year. And they say he's a year older than us." Niki replied.

"Ahhh so we have to call him hyung. Niki-ah what if he also starts hating me?" Jungwon asked.

"Don't worry Jungwon even if the whole world starts hating you, I'll always be there." "Eww was that too cheesy ?" Niki cringes at his own words.

"Yes I guess." Jungwon said and they started laughing. They heard the ringing bell and Niki went to his seat.

"Ok class, settle down fast." The teacher entered and everyone sat at their seats.

"So I guess everyone knows what I am going to say but still let me tell you, we have a new student. I know it's mid-year, you hardly have five to six months left before you graduate, but yes we have a new student here. Come inside." Mr. Kim asked the student to enter.

The boy entered and everyone almost gasped. His face was shining, the glint in his dark brown eyes, the way he smiled when he entered, his sharp jawline, the way his bangs fell on his forehead, everyone in the class went crazy. For a moment all of them thought he was a kpop idol.

"Hello everyone. I am a new student here and my name is Sunghoo, Park Sunghoon. I am a year older than you all. No, I didn't fail or drop any grade. I lived in LA since high school and I moved back here so I was asked to continue my last year of high school here. I hope we will get along well. Thank you." Confidence was overflowing from his words. Everyone was impressed. The teacher asked him to sit in front of Jay and behind Niki. While walking to his seat, Sunghoon smiled and the younger one reflected on the action.

(Time skips to the end of the lecture.)

"So, I think let's end the lecture here. Do your homework properly and Jake, Minji and Eunha you have to do it twice, you know right?" Three of them said 'yes', "Niki and Haruto I have a job for you to do. Can any of you explain to Sunghoon the rules and take him around the school." The teacher said, Niki and the class president, Haruto, nodded.

"Oppa let's be friends?" Minji turned to her right side and asked Sunghoon as soon as the teacher left. Not only her but almost everyone in the class was attracted towards this new boy.

"Umm.. Yes? I guess? I don't know you all so let's see." Sunghoon said awkwardly.

"Niki-ah actually I am already busy with other things. Can you do what the teacher asked?" Haruto turned to him and asked.

"Oh yeah sure I'll do it." He replied and Haruto thanked him.

"Hey, Niki right?" Sunghoon poked his shoulder and niki turned around.

"Yes. I am Riki, Nishimura Riki but please call me Niki." Nikismiled. Sunghoon nodded.

"So, will you show me around?" Sunghoon asked.

"Sure Sunghoon...hyung." He felt a bit awkward calling him by his name. He scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh, you're cute hehe." Sunghoon giggled.

"I'll take you around during break after having our lunch. Is that okay?" He asked and Sunghoon nodded.

(Time skip to the break).

"Hey hyung let's go." Niki called Jungwon to go to the cafeteria.

"Oh Niki, can I join you? I don't know anyone here." Sunghoon asked and both of them nodded.

"No, Sunghoon oppa come with us. Don't stay around these losers or else you will become one like them." Minji said, clinging to Sunghoon's arm. Jay and others were behind her.

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