Chapter 3

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"Oh you can wait here I'll call you in a few." The receptionist said.

"Hyung, it'll be fine right?" Jungwon asked Heeseung as the three boys sat on the nearby bench.

"Of Course . But why are you so nervous today?".

"Hyu-hyung the thing is umm.I-I." Jungwon shuttered.

"What is it? Why are you shuttering?" Heeseung was impatient now.

"Hyung.. promise me you-you won't tell mom dad and you won't get an-angry", said Jungwon looking more anxiously.

"I promise Jungwon now tell me."

"Hyung, the thing is two th-three days back when it was my time to take pills, there are these two g-girls in my class who t-threw my p-pills out of the win-dow which fell on the play-playgr-ound. I didn't want to f-fight so I just went to get them back. Innie was in the restroom. Before I reached there the janitor cleaned the ground a-and I guess they, they took my pills with them."

Jungwon stared at the ground and didn't dare to look up at his hyung.

"So I-I missed taking the pi-pills that day. The whole day I was feeling weak and my breathing was h-heavy. When Niki asked me what was wrong Ilied saying I was exhausted. I'm sorry hyung, I am really sorry. I know you all -take care and are worried about me but I just. I'm so sorry." With this Jungwon started crying, covering his face with his hands.

"Ahh it's ok. It's ok. I'm sorry you felt weak that day. Next time if those girls or whoever bully you please talk to your teacher or I'll talk to them and you have Niki too." Heeseung said, wrapping his protective arms over his brother and stroking his back in comfort.

"Oh so this happened. Were those girls Eunha and Minji?" Niki asked and Jungwon nodded his head still in his brother's embrace.

Niki's blood was boiling. He started crying too, thinking he couldn't protect Jungwon from them.

"You should have told me the truth, hyung." Now Niki was hugging Jungwon as well.

"I don't want you to get in trouble because of me, nii. Promise me you won't do anything, just leave them ok?"

"But ...

"Please Niki."

"Ok but if they do this again I won't spare to cut off their heads!"

Jungwon and Heeseung laughed at Niki's words as they broke the hug.

"I'm sorry hyung." Jungwon apologised again.

"It's fine but next time be careful." Heeseung said wiping Jungwon's tears off his cheeks.

"Yang Jungwon?" Their little talk was interrupted by the receptionist.

"You can go in."
Niki held 's hand tightly as they walked in

"Hey. How are you doing?" Dr. Yoon Jeonghan asked

"Hello hyung, I am fine". Jungwon said and three of them sat down.

Jeonghan was very young but experienced and a successful cardiologist. His senior was Jungwon's personal cardiologist but Jungwon thought he was very scary so won't let out what he felt every time he had a checkup. So, Jeonghan took his responsibility since Jungwon was seven. They knew each other for more than ten years so they both were very close. Jeonghan considered him as his own brother and took great care of him. Jungwon felt comfortable telling him all the problems with his health and even about his crush on Jay. Jeonghan was almost a part of the Yang family.

"So let's examine you. I am sure your condition has improved." Jungwon nodded and followed him towards the cot.

Dr. Yoon examined Jungwon with a stethoscope and other equipment. The room was filled with silence. Not awkward but a worried one. After they finished they returned to their seats.

"So, tell me, do you take your pills regularly without missing a day?" Dr. Yoon asked politely.

"Yes I do take them regularly but I missed taking them once." Jungwon scratched his head looking at the ground.

"Oh and why? I mean what happened ?"
Heeseung and Niki explained everything that happened.

"Ahhh I see. But, you really need to be careful from now on. You can't miss any meds. You are now 18 and you know you have surgery coming soon. I don't want to scare you of course you are a fighter and you don't need to be scared of anything, but you need to take care of yourself ok?'' Jeonghan said as he placed his hand on 's and creased it comforting him.

"And yes you have a very cute but at times an intimidating PUMA friend with you who will protect you. Am I right Niki-ah?" Jeonghan chuckled.

"Yes doctor hyung, I told them I'll be slicing those people into pieces if they bully Jungwon again!!". Niki said, holding his fist in the air as if announcing a war.

All of them started laughing and Jeonghan instructed them a few more things before asking Niki and Jungwon to wait outside to have a word with Heeseung as his guardian.

"Look Heeseung, we are really close to the surgery. From now on we all have to protect Jungwon a lot. As for school, ask him to take days off now and then and the main thing is to talk to the principal or teacher to look for the people who bully. They need to stop bullying him or else Jungwon will be mentally and physically affected." Heeseung was listening carefully while nodding his head.

"I'll surely look into this and I have a request, hyung please don't tell mom and dad about 's bully. They are really worrying about him the whole time. I promise I'll do everything to protect him."

"Yes sure Heeseung." They smiled, shook hands and Heeseung came out.

"Niki let me give you a ride to your house." Heeseung said

They all left the hospital and Heeseung started driving. The car was filled with silence.

"Ok , Heeseung hyung bye, take care and meet you tomorrow. Byeeee!!" Niki exclaimed and waved at them before entering the front door.

Again the car was filled with silence which was then interrupted by soft sobs and sniffs.

"Jung! what's wrong, why are you crying?" Heeseung asked as he stopped the car at the roadside.

"Hyung, I am tired. I don't want to live with hospitals, medicines, injections and bullys. People don't love me because of this hole in my heart. I tried a lot not to cry and waste my days but I can't help but receive hate and just hate. I am really tired." Jungwon started sobbing hard, placing his hand on his heart.

"Hey come here". Heeseung pulled Jungwon into a warm hug.

"It's okay Jungwon, just a few more days it'll be fine. Doctor said you will be fine if you take care of yourself. And you know why I call you champ?" Jungwon shook his head. Heeseung pulled him closer rubbing his back.

"It's because as Jeonghan hyung said, you are a fighter. You fought till now with all your willpower and I know you will fight for a few days more and will be a champion soon. And for me you already are, you have won people's heart by your nature. You have people who love you and care about you more than those who hate you. Just a few more days then you will be fine ok?" Heeseung asked when he let go of him and wiped his tears. Jungwon nodded.

"You have mom dad who loves you, you have a hyung who is ready to protect you from everything and everyone and like this many people by your side. You are not weak. Also you won't be living with medicines, hospital and stuff. You will be living with music, your guitar, with us and...also with your cold, handsome crush I guess." Heeseung laughed and Jungwon giggled too.

"Are you hungry?"Heeseung asked as he started driving again. Jungwon hummed in a response.

"Then let's go to the love birds cafe!" Heeseung started laughing.

"Oh my god did you just say love birds? They are more like clingy birds! Ugh the way they cling to each other.. gross." Jungwon said as they started laughing.

"Let's go!"

Lovebirds?? Who??

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