Chapter 15

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Jungwon's POV

It was almost 5 AM when I checked the time. I tried to sleep again but my thoughts were against it. I was processing what happened yesterday. Then somehow my memories with him, the time I spent with him, the promise he made to protect me, suddenly crossed my mind. And again my heart clenched. I was so drowned into those beautiful but cold memories that I didn't realise I was smiling yet tears were falling from the corners of my eyes.

To snap me out of my thoughts, hyung called me. I got up and walked to the mirror, I was a mess. I barely slept last night. These swollen red eyes with bags under them will not help me forget what happened yesterday. I turned my phone on and there were tons of unread messages from Niki, I sighed. I did my morning routine and went down. I saw Heeseung hyung in the kitchen. He was preparing breakfast.

"Oh champ, good morning. Come, sit down. Mom, dad stayed last night where they went. I made you breakfast. I know I can't cook well but yeah hyung tried his best okay?" He glanced at me

his smile dropped for a second after looking at my swollen eyes and messy hairs, but smiled immediately when he noticed I was getting nervous. I can see that he was trying his best not to recall yesterday's event. I remember his words when he cried beside my bed. I wasn't in the state to talk to him. This hyung of mine literally cried for two hours. I felt bad when I saw bags under his eyes. When he finished cooking he served me my food and sat in front of me. He prepared some soup with a few side dishes. I started eating. I was quiet. I didn't wish to talk at that moment but watching my hyung tense at my silence, I glanced at him,

"Hyung it's good." He smiled and ruffled my hairs.

"Good to hear that. After you finish, let me drive you to school."

"W-why? Are you going to-, no hyung don't-"
"Hush Jungwon, don't worry. I just want to drop you. From there I'll head to work. Now eat and take your medicine."

When he said he wanted to drop me at my school, I became anxious. The words Jay spoke are still banging in my head. I don't want to see him today.

When I reached school as a ritual Niki hugged me. "Jungwon, I missed you."
This boy makes me feel good with his cheerful nature. An Involuntary smile formed on my face.

"I missed you too niii...a lot." Yes, I missed him. Yesterday Taehyun hyung was there in place of him to handle me, but this boy, I really wanted him to be with me at that moment. Again my eyes were watery. Before pulling out of the hug, I wiped my eyes.

"Jungwon, you know my stomach was aching as if someone was stabbing me." Thanks to god he didn't notice my eyes.

"Then who asked you to drink all those beverages and eat as if you were hungry since birth?" I laughed not to make him feel that I was hiding something.

I was planning not to tell him yet. When I am confident enough to tell him without crying, maybe then I can tell him, but guess what that will never happen, those words were so harsh, I will be crying every time thinking that. That night felt as if I was having a nightmare.

"Ugh I shouldn't have done it. Thank god it wasn't that severe. Anyways, tell me how was yesterday? I texted you but you didn't even read those." he pouted. Such a baby.

"Oh I am so sorry, my phone was dead." and I lied. We started walking in peace until,

"Jungwon!!!" It was Sunghoon hyung. Niki and I turned around to see him. He stopped in front of us with hand on his knees, panting heavily.

"Hyung what happened?"

"Jungwon I told you, I told you I will skip my class!!!" He ignored Niki's question.

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