Chapter 24

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Jay's POV

"All of you wait here and call the patient's relatives." the nurse said and the hospital staff took Jungwon to the emergency ward.

"I have already called them." Mr. Kim said.
As of cue Jungwon's parents and Heeseung hyung arrived.

"W-what ha-happened to m-my son??!" his mother asked as she started crying. And my heart sank at the sight, again. All this feels like a dejavu.

"I-Sunghoon what h-happened? J-ake wh-hy is J-Jungwon here?" Heeseung hyung asked, holding back his tears.

"Heeseung, I'm sorry. I couldn't protect him. He passed out and I couldn't do anything." he replied with a low voice. I am at fault. I should be the one to be sorry here.

"Hyung, don't blame yourself. I was the one-"

"Didn't you hear what Jungwon said before? He said you didn't do anything." Sunghoon hyung cut me off. He wasn't angry. Why? Why are they on my side instead of slapping me?

We all were waiting for the doctor to come out and explain what happened. Few more minuted passed and finally the doctor walked out of the emergency ward.

"Jeonghan-ah what happened to Jungwon? He's fine, right?" his mother asked.

"Aunty, let's talk in the cabin."

"Can I come? Please?" Niki pleaded.

"Can I as well?" Now it was Sunghoon hyung.

"It's ok of you all want to go." He allowed all of us to listen to whatever he was going to say. I was just praying nothing should be serious.

Jake's POV

Jungwon's parents sat on the chairs in front of the doctor. He was quiet. I was just hoping Jungwon is fine. Heeseung hyung was nervous so I held his hand to ease him.

Finally the doctor spoke. "Aunty, uncle and all of you, Jungwon is fine." we all sighed in relief. "As for now he is fine." he added and we got anxious.

"As for now? Hyung, what do you mean by that." Heeseung hyung asked.

"Heeseung I mean, as for now he is fine, but its time." with this his mother started crying. His father and Heeseung hyung were trying their best to hold back their tears. Niki was crying as well and Sunoo hugged him. I could even see a tense look on Jay's face. Time? What time? Jungwon is fine right?

"We have to do it now."

"When?" Jungwon 's father asked.

I can't understand what they are going to do? Wait!!! Surgery???

"Maybe in a few weeks." and here Heeseung hyung started crying silently. I slightly tighten the grip on his hand.

"Uncle, aunty one more thing. Today Jungwon fainted because of a trauma and I think it happened a few times." he held Jungwon 's parents' hands. "It's complicated." all of us were in shock now.

"We can't perform the surgery here. I suggest you have it done in Germany. Jungwon's case has become complicated. German doctors will surely perform it better. I could have done it but Jungwon is someone very close to me, I can't perform it holding my emotions back. Don't worry I'll be there with other doctors."

"Jeonghan-ah we trust you. We will do anything for Jungwon to get better." Uncle said. They have gone through a lot. Jungwon, you have to get better!!

"Ahh don't worry you all. He's fine right now. Uncle, aunty, don't stop Jungwon from going to school. Do whatever he asks ok? We can't hurt him or go against his will. Try to keep him happy." he said and we all nodded.

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