Chapter 22

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"Bye Jakeyyy, bye hyung." Jay said as he stepped out of the car leaving just the two of us. He reached his door and turned.

"All the best Jake. Don't die!!!" he yelled. I can't be with him. But for real I don't want to die!!! Hyung started driving again and driving me crazy as well. It was silent.

"Where?" He asked for directions.

"I-left fro-from that-that building."

"Jake why are you shuttering?"


And instead of turning left he drove to the right side. "Hy-hyung i-it wa-"

"Shh Jake, I know. Just calm down, I am not kidnapping you." he giggled. I got very anxious. It was pouring heavily. After a few minutes he pulled the car in front of a house.

"Oh let's go." he opened the umbrella and got out of the car.

"But wh-" he didn't let me complete. He dragged me out. We stood in front of the door and he pressed the bell.

A guy with a dimple smile opened the door. "Heesung? You're here at this hour?"

"Hi Chan hyung, yes I want something." Oh so this is Chan hyung.

"And he is?" he glanced at me.

"Jungwon's friend, Jake. And he's from Australia as well."

"G'day mate. I'm Chan." he said in english and extended his hand for me to shake.
I shook his hand.

"Hello, I'm Jake." I said it in english as well.

"Get in gu-"

"No hyung, I want keys."

"Keys? L-like n-now?" he asked with wide eyes and then looked at me. He smiled, flexing his dimples.

"I see Heesung" he said.

What keys? What is Heesung hyung planning? I'm dying out of curiosity. Chan hyung went inside his house and returned with some keys in his hands. Heesung hyung took them and grabbed my hand. I'll die right now!! But I am afraid as well. What are those keys!!??

"Hy-hyung what-" I said as he dragged me to the stairs which were in front of the house. He's taking me to the rooftop?

"I told you Jake. I am not kidnapping you or doing anything wrong with you. Trust me." I relaxed but not fully.

Once we got there, he let go of my hand. I'm already missing the warmth of his hand. I looked in front. Even if it was raining we could see city lights from here. We were sitting inside the shed. Wind was blowing, which was not that cold. It was so relaxing.

"You look relaxed now." he broke the silence and I nodded. We enjoyed the view for a few more minutes.

"Hyung, why did you bring me here?" I asked and he shrugged. He wasn't answering. Five minutes passed and still no one uttered anything.

"Jake, you like me right?" I widened my eyes and looked away from him. I am screwed.

"What happened? You don't like me?"

"It-it's n-not l-li-"

"You know why Chan hyung was surprised when I asked him for the keys?" I shook my head and finally looked at him.

"Because, Chan hyung, Beomgyu and I made a promise. Not a promise but something like that. We decided that if we ever fell in love with someone we will take that person to the place where we get ideas for writing songs." I listened carefully.

"And the place where I have written tons of songs is this. This rooftop." he said.

"This is the place where you have written many songs and here you will bring the person you love?" he nodded.

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