Chapter 13

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Jay turned around and Eunha was forced to do so when Taehyun said,

"Stop hiding your face girl, I know you."

"What do you mean?"

"You are- oh Jay right? Her boyfriend?" Jay nodded.

"Jay, let's go." Eunha held his hand ready to leave.

"Well I'll be straight forward. She's cheating on you!" Jay stopped abruptly and turned around once again.

"And? this boy told you right?" He said looking at Jungwon.

"Not really. I saw her with another guy. They were sitting right there." Taehyun pointed at the place where she was sitting on that day.

"I don't believe you." Jay said.

"I know you won't. Can we check the cameras then?"

"Jay, you trust me right?" Eunha said innocently to which Jay nodded.

"Tsk, too bad then." Beomgyu chuckled as he joined them.

"I saw you kissing there."

"Yaah stop it!!!" Eunha screamed on top of her voice.

"I told you it wasn't me!! You better check your eyes!!!"

"You better check your brain!!" This time it was Taehyun.

"Jungwon you are right, she really lacks brain cells."


"Then tell me why didn't you come again after the day you saw Jungwon here? Dumb you are a regular customer here !!" Beomgyu smirked.

"See, I was not here okay? And I am not cheating Jay!"

"Then why were you hesitating when we decided to come here??" Jungwon asked.

"Jungwon stop it!!!" Jay had enough of it.

"You know? I am tired now!! I told you before that this is our personal matter!! Don't interfere!!"

"Yaaah, don't yell at him!! He just don't want you to get hurt at the end!" Beomgyu said.

"I don't care if she is cheating or not! And if she did, even after we broke up, this boy would have no chance with me!!"

"Aren't you crossing the line?" Taehyun politely asked.

"No, I am not. Heeseung hyung asked me not to get mad at him, he's having a surgery soon. I tried, I tried not to get annoyed. I know Heeseung hyung cares for him and so the day he fainted, I caught him. But, I guess this boy took that in another way. No Jungwon I didn't do that because I felt something for you, I did because I pity you!!!"

"Jay stop it!!!"

"N-No Tae hyung let him say. I really want a reason to hate him and now that he is giving me, don't stop him." Jungwon was on the verge of crying.

"Yes, hate me Jungwon. It's best for you rather than wait for me. I will never be yours. I can never love you. I am tired of rejecting you. Everyday you smile looking at me, everyday you do something stupid to get my attention, everyday you try to embarrass yourself and me too. I thought after rejecting you, you won't come again to me but you, don't you have any self respect? Few days before too I punched you because of the same reason and today you are bringing that topic again? I just want you to be out of my business, out of my life. Why are you trying to prove that Eunha is not the right person for me? Tell me Jungwon, if she's not, then who is the right one for me? You? You can't even breathe properly Jungwon." That's it. These last words were enough for Jungwon's heart to sank for the nth time.

Faint love II JaywonWhere stories live. Discover now