Chapter 20

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"See, Jay-" before I could finish, he stumbled. He tried to balance but he fell. On me. I was under him. I shut my eyes. He tried to get up but his hand slipped. He lost balance and fell on me again. But this time books from the shelf fell on his back. And it happened. Unexpected thing. His lips crashed on mine. My eyes widened and his as well. The kiss lasted for just two seconds, not a kiss but a peck. We stared into each other's eyes. At that moment my heart was racing very fast. I was wondering how I could still be alive with this fast heart beat. He quickly got up and I was still lying down, trying to process everything.

"I-I am s-sor-ry." his voice interrupted me. I quickly got up and rushed out of the library leaving him there.

Thank God no one was there or else that would be so embarrassing!!! I went into the restroom. Gosh my face!! It was red. I touched my lips. Even if it was just a very short lasting kiss, the way his lips felt on mine!!! Yang Jungwon, get yourself together!!!

It will be very obvious to others to tell that something is wrong with me. 'Park Jay what did you do?!' I whispered as I pulled my hair to keep myself relaxed. But that was of no use. I am freaking out!! I cupped my cheeks, they were heated up!!! I quickly washed my face. It was still red.

'I can't!! I can't face Jay now!!! Should I run away from here? But my bag and guitar are in the library!!'

Should I call Niki and tell him to get my belongings here so that I can't face Jay?!!' I thought and reached for my phone. Bad luck, I left it there. That means I have to return back!!

'Ok Jungwon, relax. It's ok!' I told myself as I opened the door of the library and stepped in. I went to where everyone was sitting. The book I was searching for was already on my seat. I guess Jay kept here.

"Where were you?" Niki asked.

"I- I w-was i-in t-he res-restroom." I want to kill myself for shuttering.

"And why are you shuttering?" Sunghoon hyung asked.

"I-I a-am-"

"Jungwon!! Why are you so red!!??" Jake I hate you.

"Look here!!" Niki said but I didn't follow so he held my chin and turned my face to him. Bad move!!

Jay was sitting beside him. I could see him facing down.

"Why are you so red? Are you ok?" he asked and checked my pulse rate. "Jungwon!! It's high!!" Niki, you're exposing me!!!

"It's always high." thank god this time I didn't shutter.

"I know but this time it's not at all normal for you Jungwon!! Are you ok? Is your chest hurting?"

"No Niki I'm-"

"JAY!!! WHY ARE YOUR EARS RED??!!" Sunoo yelled and got scolded by the librarian.

Others looked at him and I stared at the ground.

"W-what d-o you-you me-mean r-red?"

"Wooah they are really red!!" Sunghoon hyung said.

"Its-its j-just t-that I-I a-am feeling h-hot."

"You are shuttering as well!!"

"I-I am h-hot."

"We know that you are hot and sexy but we are asking why you are shuttering."

"That was so gay Jake." Sunoo made a disgusting face.

Niki looked at me and understood something happened so he asked others to shut up and study. I love you Niki.

"Will you tell me now what happened?" Niki asked me after all of us parted our way.

"Niki!!! Ja- no you won't believe me.

Faint love II JaywonWhere stories live. Discover now