Chapter 4

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Heeseung pulled the car in front of a cafe. They both got out and went inside. There were not many people. The cafe had neutral coloured furniture with potted plants beside the walls which were decorated with wire lights. It had white tiles and brown walls with dim light. There were few aesthetic pictures on the wall. The cafe was really cosy. The Yang brothers were welcomed by the sweet smell of coffee, other drinks and snacks. The doorbell rang as a signal to have customers. The owner of the cafe turned to see who entered.

"Look who's here!" The owner said and ran towards Jungwon to engulf him in a tight hug.

"Argh..ahhh beomgyu hyung let go. I can't breathe!". Jungwon tried to break the hug but was hugged by a bear.

"Seriously? Why just the three of you? I also wanna join". Heeseung said and now the four boys are group hugging in the middle of the cafe.Once they let go.

"Kitty Jungwon in the cafe!" Taehyun yelled and Jungwon giggled.

"With Heeseung too." Heeseung pouted at how the two ignored him for the second time now.

"Oh yes yes our dear too."

"Beomgyu hyung, will you stop calling me that!"

"Yeah sure you dear"

"You are so mean! You just love Jung!!" Heeseung whined to which the others laughed.

"Whatever, how are you Jung?" beomgyu asked.

"The same hyung. We just came from the hospital. " Jungwon said without showing any emotions.

The couple looked at Heeseung and he just nodded. beomgyu and taehyun got the signal not to bring the health topic now, so they decided to talk after some time.

"Oh, now take a seat I'll bring coffee and snacks to you!" Beomgyu said happily as he went inside to fetch food for the boys.

Beomgyu was Heeseung's friend. He studied in Malaysia and moved to Korea to pursue a career in music. The two of them work in a music producing company.After work and on weekends, Beomgyu helped his boyfriend taehyun his cafe. Taehyun and Beomgyu were neighbours and after sometime they fell in love. Now they moved together.

Heeseung and Jungwon visited the cafe a lot. Taehyun on their way to a table beside a window. They started chatting and roasting Heeseung every now and then. came with a tray full of food and drinks. Taehyun helped him settle them on the table. There were not many customers but Taehyun went to the counter to do his job leaving Beomgyu with Heeseung and Jungwon. Once there were just two to three people left, Taehyun joined the boys.

"How's school Jungwon ?" beomgyu asked.

"I hate it but not that much."

"Not that much? Is it because of that cold guy?" Taehyun chuckled.

"Yaah why all of you call him cold, handsome, tall he has a name and it's Park Jay!!" Jungwon yelled.

"Wait, are you jealous or angry that we call him tall, handsome and all?" Heeseung asked.

"I am angry, hyung. He has a name but you call him whatever you want." They laughed. And now it was silent. Taehyun took this chance to ask Jungwon about his health.

"Jungwon, how are you?"

"I told you, it's the same. Jeonghan hyung said "I'll be getting the surgery soon."

"Ahh ok ok. After surgery our Jungwonie will be more healthy!" beomgyu exclaimed cheerfully. All of them smiled except Jungwon. He was scared.

"What if something happens and I won't be you know-" cut Jungwon off by saying,

"Then the song which Heeseung hyung is deciding to make will be a waste."
"What do you mean?" Jungwon was confused.

"He decided to write a song for you that you will be singing as the ost of an upcoming drama. Our Pd nim asked Heeseung hyung to write a song and hyung asked him to let you sing the song and he agreed."

"Wh-What!?" Jungwon was shocked. His vision became blurry due to forming tears in his eyes.

"Hyung, is it true??" Jungwon asked.

"Aish Choi beomgyu, this was supposed to be a secret." he scolded, making taehyun and beomgyu laugh.

"Jungwon, I want you to sing that song. I want people to listen to your voice. I want you to be the singer of that song." Jungwon hugged his brother tightly and Heeseung hugged him back. He was really happy to have a brother like Heeseung. The couple in front of them smiled at the sight.

"Thank you hyung, I am really blessed to have a brother like you", Jungwon said

"Same here Jungwon . Now don't cry and over think." Jungwon nodded.

"Ahh Jungwon, I need to talk to your principal about your bullies. They need to stop this. I am having a very hectic schedule this week so maybe I will just call him and tell him about this. He and our parents know each other very well so I am sure he will take action soon." Jungwon hummed in response.

"Wooah, who the hell is bullying Jungwon? Whoever they are, I will kill them!" Taehyun said angrily.

"I will feed them wet tissues." beomgyu said and they all started laughing.

Once they finished, they went up to the counter. Beomgyu refused to accept money from them but Heeseung shoved the money in his hands. They were about to leave when this one person caught Jungwon's attention. It was a girl. That girl, Choi Eunha, was sitting at the table in the corner with a boy who was not Jay. Jungwon kept staring at her and the others asked him what he was looking at.

"Taehyun hyung, do you know that girl sitting at the corner table with a boy?" he asked.

"No, I don't know them. But I just know they are a couple. I mean they were very clingy when I was taking their order." Taehyun said.

"What!!?" Jungwon was surprised. He knew that she was dating Jay for money but he didn't expect her to date any other person. Who is he kidding? He knew she was a play girl.

"What happened to Jungwon?" Heeseung asked.

"Hyung that girl, she's jazy's girlfriend." He said. Everyone was shocked at his words.

"Jungwon, you know they were literally kissing the whole time. I think she is cheating on Jay." Beomgyu said.

"Whatever it is, Jungwon stay away from this matter, ok?" Heeseung warned him.

"No hyung, it's wrong. Even if Jay doesn't care about me I care about him and his girlfriend is cheating on him. I should tell him this!"

"Jungwon you are right but please don't let her harm you. She's the one who bullies you right?" Heeseung asked and Jungwon nodded.

"I think we should leave. Also mom and dad would be waiting for us." Heeseung said and they waved at beomgyu and taehyun.

When they were about to exit the door Eunha saw Jungwon and they made eye contact. Heeseung saw that and put his hands over Jungwon's shoulders and dragged him out of her sight. She panicked.

So she is cheating on Jay!

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